The Wake of Wayne Lavigne

JP with Jaxx. Redsword and Cindy

A light drizzle and grey clouds had settled over the city before the burial had begun. It was London,after all and would have been a rare day of no rain occured.

A small number of people attended the funeral, the guards did an excellent job keeping out anyone not wanted to. Anyone who wanted to speak was welcome to, but it was kept to a relatively reasonable time.

It was about 3 PM by the time Elizabeth, Lily, Jackal, Sung and Liz's parents arrived back to the estate. Twenty minutes afterwards people started arriving for the wake.

The areas for the wake were the dining room, which had refreshments and the sitting rooms. Elizabeth and her parents began greeting people as they entered the dining room.

Lily did her best to limit her tears during the funeral. Her eyes were still puffy and red as the guests arrived for the wake. Despite her troubled appearance she kept her composure as she greeted all those attending the wake. Among the attendees were the management representatives of her father's companies as well as some old business friends of his. Lily was nervous about meeting her father's other family but they seem to be running late. One of the guests she met was a cute but sassy redheaded gnome by the name of Riley Finley Boyle. Riley was the head of the Shamrock delivery service and had a straight forward personality. Lily found her charming and took her business cards. Apparently Riley was hired long ago by her father and revolutionized his small shipping business into a multi million industry using airships. Lily remembered the large green airships in England and France. Riley was worried about anyone interfering with the way she ran Shamrock. Lily then told her that the Duke was representing her in those matters and to talk with him on that. Riley looked troubled by the idea of a noble making any changes to Shamrock but knew she would have to win him over somehow. Meanwhile Dr. Jackal stayed by Lily's side and greeted the guests as they came in.

Sung stayed out of the way letting her have the freedom she needed. The whole time Sung was not fare staying in her shadow. He did empathize with Lily Sung also lost his family at a young age. Sung thought Lily was taking it better than he did. Sung did his job being there to support her in anything she may need.

Once the Duke had met Riley, and was told who she was. He asked that she contact him the next day to discuss any business matters.

The other business associates were told they would be contacted in the next day or so. Business matters were not to be discussed at a wake, it was improper to do so.

Then a blonde busty woman came in with two young boys in tow. The two boys seemed to be around 15 to 16 years in age and had blonde hair. They seemed very curious at the manor and the mother had to constantly reel them in from touching everything. She then approached the Ellingtons and Lily as she introduced herself as Karen Wells and her two sons Kyle Wayne Wells, age 16, and Peter Wayne Wells, age 15. She seemed distracted by her two sons and less sad about the loss of Wayne Lavigne. Lily acted polite to them despite not wanting to deal with the two spoiled brats sharing her blood line. Lily noticed they didn't have her father's last name which meant her father knocked her up twice and paid her off. It concerned Lily that she might have other siblings scattered about and one day they might pop out of the wood work looking for a payout. Karen on the other hand was also checking out the manor as if she looking for something.

Elizabeth greeted the woman and her two sons. "Is there something you are in need of?" Elizabeth asked Karen when she saw her looking around.

It wasn't that much of a stretch to understand anyone causing problems would be escorted out quickly.

Karen paused and then looked at Lady Elizabeth knowing she needed to act proper before the Eldren. Karen asked, "I was just curious if this estate was part of Wayne Lavigne's. he never mentioned it before." Karen seemed impressed by the manor as she answered Lady Elizabeth.

"No, this is the London estate for my family." Elizabeth explained politely. "It was easier to hold the wake here."

She wasn't going to go into details about why that was the case. So, that explanation would have to do.

Karen seemed disappointed by that answer. She then asked, "By chance have you seen Mr. Lavigne's legal team? I wanted to know some details about the reading of the will." Karen was acting polite but it was obvious what she came there for.

"My father, the Duke, and his legal team is handling the matter." Elizabeth was still being polite but this woman was rubbing her the wrong way. So, a little title dropping seemed called for. "The reading of the will will be on Monday. You should be receiving a message to that affect shortly.”

Karen was shocked to find out the Duke was taking over the legal matters for the funeral and will. It was clear she was left out of the loop on that part as she felt embarrassed. She then tried to save face by saying, "My apologies Lady Elizabeth. I had no idea Mr. Lavigne had such impressive connections. I was merely concerned since Mr. Lavigne is the father of our children and we haven't heard from him in some time." Karen was trying to acting charming since she knew she messed up.

Elizabeth couldn't give the woman answers as to why she hadn't heard from Mr. Lavigne. Of course, the Eldren knew why, but the matter was classified. "Well, I do apologize that you have not been kept apprised of the situation. Things did happen quickly. It seemed in the best interest of all involved to have my father's legal team take over. I can say the best will be done to make sure you and your sons are taken care of." Karen wasn't being subtle about what she wanted, so, Elizabeth figured she'd just come out and say it.

Karen seemed relieved to hear those words as she replied, "Oh bless your heart and thank you Lady Elizabeth. I look forward to seeing you again on Monday." Then Karen began to mingle with the crowd while her nosy boys were checking out anything they could in the manor. Karen then began to socialize mainly with the rich older males in the room. By looking at her body language it was obvious she was puffing out her large chest and using flirting gestures while talking with a smile. Anyone observing her would figure out that she was indeed a gold digger looking for her next target. Sadly her spoiled sons had a bad habit of ruining the mood for her by asking her to get them toys, collectibles and candy when they got bored. Sadly this ruined her chances of ensnaring her prime targets. However one of the men there was watching Karen and even went as far as moving closer so she would hit on him. He responded to her with a lot of charm and even complimented her sons.

Elizabeth watched the woman. She wasn't naive about such people, and it was obvious what Karen was doing. The boys in the other hand were acting like they were younger than their ages. Most rich children had a certain amount of maturity to them, at 15 and 16 they should already be in boarding school. That tended to mature people quicker. Granted Elizabeth could see it through her own experiences. Then again, the boys were acting like she'd expect ten year olds to act. Her mind drifted a moment to Clemment and his sisters and how better behaved they were than these two boys.

Elizabeth found Lily, "How are you holding up?" She discretly asked the younger woman

Lily had a forced smile on her face as she replied, "I am managing somehow. It helps to have you and the good doctor close by. To be honest I thought I was ready to meet Ms. Wells and her sons, but I was clearly not. She was far more different than I was expecting and I would prefer to not have any dealings with her and her sons in the future. The only positive I can take from this was meeting some of my father's old friends/Managers from some of his early companies. They were just older versions of themselves as I remember, especially Ms. Boyle. I remember her working for my father as a rookie Middle Class Techno Mage in one of his small shipping companies. She was the only employee that would talk back to my father and still have a job afterwards. I thought she quit since I didn't see her anymore. I had no idea she was now running Shamrock. From what I heard its the largest shipping company in this country." Lily seemed to be in a better mood when talking about Ms. Boyle and the old friends of her father.

"That must be the woman I saw speaking with my father earlier. I believe he is meeting with the business associates tomorrow. She sounds like a good business person." Elizabeth commented. "As for Miss Wells, and her sons. She will need to be at the reading of the will on Monday. Hopefully, she will not bring her sons as there is no reason for them to be there.”

Lily sighed at having to spend time with Karen and her sons again. She replied, "I see. I never thought I would look forward to a Tuesday in all my years." Lily smiled at Lady Elizabeth. Dr. Jackal asked if he should fetch any drinks or snacks for Lily and Lady Elizabeth and Lily snatched his wrist firmly and gave him a firm looked as if he wronged her with his words. Then she said softly, "Please don't go." Dr. Jackal quickly realized his mistake and nodded as he replied, "Your right Ms. Lavigne. I forgot Lady Elizabeth has staff for that." Dr. Jackal could see fear in Lily's eyes and her determination for him to not leave by her firm grip.

Elizabeth nodded to Lily's words, "Well, hopefully Tuesday will be here before you know it." Lily's reaction to Jackal offering to get drinks surprised Elizabeth, but them she realized it shouldn't. "Yes, why don't I have a servant get us some refreshments. What would you both like?”

Dr. Jackal was feeling antsy at the wake but knew he had to support Lily in her time of need. he replied, "I could always go for a cup of coffee. And you Ms. Lily?" Lily forced a smile as she replied, "Perhaps a spot of black tea please. I need to calm my nerves a bit.”

Elizabeth found a servant and soon enough their drinks were brought. Elizabeth also opted for tea but with some honey in it.

The Wake lasted for about another two hours, then everyone left. By this point evening was descending. Dinner was served and then people went to their own activities. There was more to be done over the next few days.

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