The Duke and Duchess For Tea (Part 4)

JP with Redsword, Jaxx, Lucian, Lasersexpanther, mdman and Cindy

Cronk quickly removed the plug from the whiskey. He took a gulp, feeling the warm liquid flow down his throat. A smile enveloped his tusked lips.

Walking over to Sasha, he greeted her with, “Hello Masked One!”

Sasha gave Cronk a nod. "Good Afternoon Monsieur Cronk." She said, "How are you?" Sasha asked, sounding a bit tired.

Cronk reflected inwardly for a brief moment, then affirmed, “Cronk feel rested. Cronk relaxed.”

Cronk reflected upon her voice. “Masked One not rested?”

"I'm rested enough, it has been a long few days and I lost track of the hour working on a project last night. I'll rest tonight and be right and ready tomorrow." Sasha assured Cronk.

Cronk grinned, taking another swig of the whiskey. “Good!”

Feeling embarrassed he didn’t offer a drink to Sasha, Cronk asked, “Masked One want drink?”

Elizabeth had a good sense of time, and figured they should all be seated soon.

Formal Teas were far more elaborate and took more time than Standard Teas. It was very much a meal, with more substantial fare than a lighter tea.

She would give Maseo just a few more minutes.

Sasha looked at the bottle a moment thinking. But quickly grabbed it and spun on her heels to put her back to Cronk, in a practiced move pulled her mask down and took two long pulls before putting the mask up and giving Cronk the bottle back. "Thank you, " she said.

The front door opened and Masao came in slightly sheepish knowing he was almost late. "My apologies. I was taking care of something, and my trip back took longer than expected. I can't know for sure but I felt eyes on my back so I lost my tail “

Cronk looked amused at the choice of words. “Maybe tail grow back?” stated in more of a question. Then, he took a drink.

"Let's hope not." Masao said jokingly, before turning. "I am sorry, where are my manners." Masao did a bow somewhere between a duelist bow and a noble bow. "Good afternoon Duke and Duchess Ellington, Captain Masao Wayneright at your service.”

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Captain Maseo '' The Duchess said with a smile.

The Duke seemed amused by Maseo, "Captain Maseo, it is good to meet you. I must say you seem nothing like your brother."

"He is not, Father." Elizabeth chimed in.

"Well, good thing then." The Duke commented.

Elizabeth announced, "Everyone feel free to take your seats. Tea will start being served shortly.”

Dr. Jackal took a seat at his usual spot and then noticed Lily took the spot next to him as she gave him a smile. Dr. Jackal raised an eyebrow as he gave her a half smile. She made him nervous since she was very friendly to him despite knowing about his inner demon. Realizing this was the wrong place to bring up the topic he turned to the guests and tried to follow in the Captain's footsteps and bring a bit of levity to the table. He then asked, "So Your Grace......ummm about the damage done by the uh......."Other Guy in Red" to the city........... will that be coming out of my wages?" Lily was slack jawed by the question and didn't realize it was a joke and quickly spoke up, "But that was not your fault Dr. Jackal. (Looking at the Duke) Your Grace if need be I will help pay off that debt." Lily was concerned as she realized she was less composed at the moment and then sat correctly as she apologized for her rude behavior.

The Duke raised a brow at Jackal. A little surprised the man brought up the topic on his own. Then he smiled slightly as Lily proverbially ran to help the doctor. "Miss Lily, I believe the good doctor was joking. I am sure my daughter has already explained to him that the Order has taken care of the damages."

The Duke then addressed the issue, being it was already out there. "Dr. Jackal, when I first decided on you for this position I already knew your background. I knew the risks, and what might occur. I was also willing to take responsibility for that, which includes costs incurred.”

Lily turned a bit red as she was embarrassed by her actions. She replied, "My apologies, Your Grace, I misunderstood the good doctor's humor." Dr. Jackal smiled with a bit of humility as he gave the Duke a nod. Then he replied, "Thank you, Your Grace and Miss Lavigne. Forgive my poor taste in humor. I am still working on rejoining humanity after my series of unfortunate events. You and your family have been very generous in your blessings to me. I hope that one day I may find myself worthy of such care." Then Dr. Jackal gave a polite smile to everyone.

Cronk took all this in, aware that he had done damage as well. Most of the time, this was done in the line of duty. However, he realized his clumsiness had done some damage. He quickly took a swig of the whiskey, hoping no one could hear his thoughts.

“Lady Boss good people,” Cronk stated.

"Thank you, Cronk," Elizabeth responded with a smile.

"Mr. Cronk," Duke Ellington began. "As I mentioned before, I have worked with Orcs before. Two things I have noticed regarding your kind. Orcs are very good judges of character. What is really inside a person. Also, Orcs say what they mean." The Duke gave a smile to his daughter, then turned back to Cronk. "So, I take your words as a compliment. Thank you.”

Masao laughed. "I certainly hope not, it would be a great dishonor to my mother and her raising of me to take on the traits of my Father or Brother." Masao said slightly more bluntly than intended. "Though I can say nothing disparaging of the wife of the senior Wayneright." He added.

It was at this point tea was poured and food began to be served.

"I have met them all," Duke Ellington said. "It should not leave this room but I have to agree she was the easiest to deal with."

Dutchess Ellington sipped some tea. She tended to me more quiet than her husband, an observer. However, she spoke up about this particular issue. "I must agree with my husband and you, Captain, on the matter. “

Masao shrugged slightly "In my personal view she's nicer than she has reason to be to a bastard son of her cheating husband." He said casually like it's not a big deal. He shrugged again, "but unless you have questions I think that's enough about me, it's rude to only speak about yourself and I like to keep my ego in check.”

The Duke waited until there was a lull in the conversation before he spoke up, "If I can have everyone's attention, I have an announcement to make." He and the Dutchess smiled at each, silently sharing whatever was about to be announced.

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