The Duke and Duchess For Tea (Part 2)

JP with Redsword, Jaxx, Lucian, Lasersexpanther, mdman and Cindy

The Duke greeted Sasha, "It is nice to see you again Miss Lagrave."

Elizabeth then added. "Mother, I would like you to meet Miss Sasha Lagrave."

The Duchess gave a pleasant smile, "It is nice to meet you."

Next came Dr. Jackal and Lily. The Duke and Duchess greeted the doctor, after introductions, and gave condolences to Lily. They had remembered the young woman even if they had not spent much time with her. However, neither Jackal nor Lily stayed talking with Elizabeth's parents for long.

Elizabeth had received the message from Vor. She was glad to see him arrive. Elizabeth introduced her Parents to Vor'Aster. They greeted him before he went to find his seat.

Then came Cronk, with all his mannerisms. He tried. The Duchess was surprised but not upset at the Orc. "Mr. Cronk," The Duchess said, "Accidents do happen. It's quite alright."

The Duke gave a nod, he was also not upset. "Mr. Cronk, both my wife and I have had interactions with Orcs before. We are well aware, you did not mean to fall into the Dutchess. Unless, I am incorrect, however you might do better with some whiskey?”

Cronk beamed, polished tusks gleaming in a smile. The duke was speaking his language.

“Cronk like,” he simply said, shaking Duke Ellington’s hand in his massive one.

Frederick Ellington smiled at Cronk, and got some servants to get the Orc a bottle of some excellent Irish Whiskey. "Mr. Cronk, anyone who helps to protect my daughter and her team is a good one, in my book."

Elizabeth smiled, not surprised by her parents' response to Cronk but still grateful for it.

When introduced to the Duchess Sasha made sure to make the smile reach her eyes as she gave a nodding bow. "The pleasure is mine, wonderful to see you again Duke Ellington," She said.

Lily was glad the Duke and Duchess remembered her and even gave their condolences to the loss of her father. It meant she was more than a wallflower in the past and her father forcing her to attend the social events had some merit. Perhaps it was fate for her to join Lady Elizabeth in the Order. She looked at the nervous Dr. Jackal who looked like he was out of place. She whispered to him, "It will be okay doctor." Dr. Jackal looked at Lily who was forcing a smile at him and he sighed as he knew it was hard for her as well. He needed to do his part as well as a member of the team and put on a brave face in honor of his employers.

Sung walked in his suit and appearance was immaculate. Sung walked in with all the grace and Etiquette expected even more than usually seen with Sung. He paused at the doorway and made a deep bow "‘Your Grace and Duchess, I am honored that you have come. I apologize for showing up late," explained Sung with humility and respect to the Duke and Duchess.

Cronk welcomed the Irish whiskey with a grin. The duke must have heard of his liking, and approved.

He acknowledged the graciousness of the duke by saying, “Cronk thank!”

The Duke and Duchess smiled at Sung. "Mr. Sung it is very good to see you again." The Dutchess responded.

The Duke then said. "Yes, you and I will have to catch up, later."

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