Not So Hidden Traps

JP with Redsword and Cindy

"By all means, yes Time to shake up the staff some," Sung commented with a mischievous smile. "After you Lady Elizabeth," said Sung with a motion of his hand. Sung followed Elizabeth to the door still looking around some security was already in place probably set up by the magi's guild. Sung could see things were well on their way to being ready.

Sung beat Elizabeth to the knock on the door using the elaborate silver door knocker there.

The door was opened to reveal a beautiful inlaid wooden entrance and hall. A human man in his mid-30s, about 5'10", a slender build, with black hair that was just starting to show signs of turning more salt and pepper and dark eyes, stood before them, then bowed, before rising again and smiling, then speaking in a British accent. "Greetings, Lady Elizabeth and Mr. Sung. I was expecting that you both would be by at some point. It is good to see both of you again. "

"Good evening, Timothy. It is good to see you as well." Elizabeth returned the smile.

Timothy had been with the Ellington's for a long time. He, like Harold, had apprenticed under one of their head butlers and had now been put into service as the head in this home.

"Please, both of you come inside." Timothy stepped inside to allow them to enter and then gently closed the door behind them. "How may I assist both of you?”

"Thank you, Timothy," replied Sung handing Timothy his hat and looking around. "you have done good work here with what you have been given, Timothy," Sung remarked with a smile. "Do you have everything you need?" asked Sung.

Timothy took Sung’s hat, placing it on a hat rack near the front door. He then did the same for Elizabeth's hat, as it had taken her a little longer to get her's off.

"I must agree," Elizabeth commented. It did look like Timothy had done a good job.

"Thank you, both." Timothy said. "I was hoping it would be up to standards." He thought for a moment, "The mage guild did send some people to oversee their security protocols, but The Baron has not sent anyone from the Order, yet. I could certainly use a second, or third set of eyes to help make certain everything is as secure as possible."

Elizabeth appreciated that Timothy was trying to not leave out her input, but Sung was the expert and she had other matters to look into. "Thank you, but I must make sure the more domestic side of things is ready or close to it. Mr. Sung, please, if you will, go with Timothy to check out the security.”

"I would be delighted to, Lady Elizabeth," said Sung. He nodded to Timothy to lead the way. Sung knew he was probably the expert here. But was surprised that Lady Elizabeth would not take more of a part in the look around the House with him. Sung looked carefully as He walked "Timothy, has there been any new staff in the last few days?" asked Sung. His tone was polite and respectful. Sung walking paused Hear a door and a window near The door. He pulled out some white gloves and placed the glove on his right hand.

Sung touched the window sill moving his hand across it. He sighed. "Do not worry Timothy this is not on you. The mage guild left some residue behind a bit of silver dust. That shows they were here but they should have left no trace they were here." explained Sung, his face showing his disappointment. "The problem is another mage would see that they would know what they did and how. This would allow someone to counter and bypass the security. This was a rush and sloppy job," described Sung looking at Timothy.

"I am sorry but you need to wipe the windows and doors again. and probably sweep the porches and that should be good," said Sung, almost sounding apologetic.


Elizabeth watched the two men go off to their task. She would have accompanied them, but really still had a lot to do back at her own house, and was trying to make this take less time. It was important however that the inspections get done.

She herself went off with the head housekeeper, a woman in her 40s with dark hair and blue eyes named Bridgett. Bridgett had been brought over from the country estate in England.

They started in the kitchen.

Timothy nodded, "Yes, we needed two maids and a new gardener. Unfortunately, the last gardener had to return to England. All of the staff has been vetted and brought through the Order, as per The Duke's orders."

Timothy wasn't a mage, he had no magic and knew nothing of the ways of the Mage Guild. "Mr. Sung, is that odd they would make such a mistake? I do not know how those things are supposed to be but, in all honesty, the mage that came seemed, no disrespect intended, but he seemed odd." Timothy with a few hand signals got two of the maids to clean the area.

Sung stopped and looked up the stairs he looked at the railing and touched it then rubbed some of the ornate carving of a wood ball on the end of the stairs. Then Sung placed his other hand on the opposite wall. Sung took a breath and let it out slowly. Sung focused on his CHI. The world around Sung changed to a gray and ghostly white. The ribbons of Chi flow through the air.

Sung saw one of the ribbons float for a moment. Then touched the top of the stairs the ornate wooden decorations flared and disappeared. "Nice, He was good, very good. I would have missed that if not for the silver dust he left behind." said Sung now standing back up with his arms at his side. "That was kind of a monitoring spell. but could be used for a trap as well," explained Sung now looking a little angry.

"Jen jang!" (damn it) said Sung loudly as he thrust his cane forward and pushed Timothy back with his other hand. Even Elizabeth could feel the magic discharge as Sung tried to dissipate and rechannel the magic from the trap. There was a bright flash as what looked like lighting and a crack sound from the top of the stairs hit Sung's cane. The cane Sung was carrying shattered and Sung flew back from the impact of the lighting. Sung hit the wall behind him with a loud thud. Smoke rose from what was left of his cane and his hand.

Sung just slid to a sitting position. Sung grumbled some words in Korean and coughed a few times. Sung had survived but was angry be on messer.

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