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View character profile for: Elizabeth Ellington

View character profile for: Lily Lavigne

View character profile for: Mr. Sung ShunShi

View character profile for: Baron Hadwin Greenwood

View character profile for: Captain Masao Wayneright
Maseo Meets The Baron
Jp with Lasersexpanther and Cindy
Masao nodded, popping the last of the finger sandwich in his mouth and rising. "Lead the way." He said with a smile. Following the woman he gleamed was named Flora to the Baron's office.
Maseo was escorted to the outer office, announced, then allowed into the Baron's office.
There was a seat to the order left side of where Elizabeth was seated.
Baron Greenwood looked over at Captain Maseo and said, "Captain Maseo, please take a seat." Once Maseo was ready, Greenwood continued. "So, Captain, how does it feel to be accidentally involved in all of this? From what I have learned about you, not really the kind of undertaking you would take on on your own. How does it feel knowing I wanted your brother on Lady Elizabeth's team and not you?" The Baron's tone boarded on the snide side.
Masao took a seat and listened to the man prattle off his little rant. Masao looked to Lady Elizabeth to see her reaction to the line of questioning, giving her a beat to see if he was free to answer the questions honestly.
Elizabeth sighed but felt no reason for Maseo to lie, so she gave him a small nod. Hopefully, he would understand he was free to respond.
Masao turned back to the Baron and leaned forward in his chair, "Feels amazing." Masao responded "How does it feel messing up so badly you didn't get the little spy you hoped for?" Masao didn't pause for a response "How does it feel knowing you mistook a half Japanese bastard for the blond hair blue eye child of a famous captain? Fairly big mistake don't you think?”
The Baron's face fell, a for a moment he seemed to be almost speechless.
This was much to Elizabeth's surprise and delight, but she manage to hide her actual feelings on the matter. The only thing that might give it way was the bit back smile, a slight gleam that came to her eye, when the Baron wasn't focused on her.
"I did not make a mistake. One of my former secretaries did. I would have never hired the likes of you." The Baron responded, then turned to Elizabeth. "You should have sent the Captain to me. How could you have not known that?"
Elizabeth responded, as the Baron jotted some notes down. "I believe it was my father's instructions that the hires for my team are under mydiscretion. Not only had Captain Maseo accidentally read the message, because he had no way of knowing it was not for him but I felt he was a better edition to my team than his brother, it was my right to do so." She felt Baron Greenwood wouldn't be happy with anyone she chose, so, it likely didn't matter who she picked.
"True as that might be," The Baron continued to write as he spoke. "You should have known better."
He didn't look up from writing but them addressed Maseo again, "Captain Maseo, do you believe you can honestly split your time between your duties for The Order and your ship and have neither of them lose out on your time?”
"With respect Baron, your secretary made no mistake, the mistake was yours and yours alone. If you truly were a leader as you claim you would be fully aware that miscommunication and mistakes made by your lack of instructions is a fault in your leadership not those you lead." He said before continuing he let it sink in a moment, "I run a tight ship." He began again, "My crew is fully capable of operations in my absence, and more than capable of understanding the hand in play. I take full responsibility for my crew, and my own actions in the capacity of The Order. Had I not been hired by mistake you'd still be chasing your tail trying to infiltrate The Children of the Sea." Masao spoke, fully from his chest and no note of backing down.
Greenwood gritted his teeth, he disliked being called out. He stopped writing and threw the pen down into a holder. "You know maybe you, Captain, are suited to this band of misfits that Lady Elizabeth likes to call a team. Greenwood turned back to Elizabeth. "What is The Captain's role on your team?"
Elizabeth calmly said, "Lead Transportation expert, and acquisitions."
"Transportation?" The Baron asked, with a raised brow.
"Yes, the Captain had agreed to use of his vessel by my team. This way we won't need one from the Order." Elizabeth responded.
"The secrecy oath?" Greenwood asked.
"Taken care of," Elizabeth knew it was skirting it but wasn't actually a lie.
"Well, then Captain Maseo, I believe all my questions are answered. Just bear in mind that any screw up on your part will reflect on to Lady Elizabeth and her ability to run a team." Not bothering for a response, Greenwood added. "You are free to go.“
Masao let a little chuckle slip out, before shrugging and standing "Good thing she didn't get your choice of captain then." Masao commented, before stepping away he spoke to Lady Elizabeth, "Don't let him disrespect you, your choices or your team." Masao told he. "Have a terrible day sorry I mean terrific day, Greenwood.”