Nugbu Meets The Baron

Lady Flora next retrieved Nugbu. She was surrounding by Orcs all day, as they were the primary guards of headquarters, so, there was no hesitation about escorting the large Nugbu to the Baron.

Meanwhile, Lady Elizabeth spoke with the Baron. "Baron, I understand you wanting to meet Miss Lily and Captain Maseo, as new members of my team but I had no plans on forcing Nugbu into service. Why bring him here?"

"You did swear him to secrecy, did you not?" The Baron inquired.

"Of course, he is, currently, staying at my house, after all." Elizabeth responded, slightly annoyed that he thought of her as incompetent enough to forgot that details.

"Well, then him coming here should not make any difference." Greenwood responded.

Nugbu arrived. He bowed, lost his footing and knocked over a lamp, but then caught it before it could crash to the floor.

"Sorry," Nugbu said.

Elizabeth looked around and noticed no chair big enough for Nugbu. She rose, carefully took the lamp from the Orc's hand and returned it to the table it had been on.

"Mr. Nugbu," the Baron began. "I heard you had quite the ordeal with Dr. Lamaire."

"Yes," Nugbu responded. "Crazy doctor, people help me escape."

"And now that that is over what do you plan on doing with yourself?" Greenwood questioned.

"Nugbu, not know. Get job." Nugbu responded.

"We had some ideas, but were still discussing them." Elizabeth interjected.

"Well, then come up with something soon. I want Nugbu here to have employment by the end of the week." Greenwood then added. "Or he can come work here at headquarters."

Elizabeth just nodded, and sighed. She would find something for him.

Nugbu was excused by the Baron, and that left one.

Lady Flora escorted Nugbu back to the waiting area, she then focused on the Captain. "Captain Maseo, Baron Greenwood will see you now.”

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