
Joint post by Jaxx and MDMan
May 14, 1889. And time 8:30 AM.

After having breakfast the Dr. Jackal and Cronk are asked to get a blood sample drawn in the lab. So Dr. Jackal told Cronk he was going to prep the lab equipment and meet him at the lab in five minutes.

“Five minutes?” Cronk nervously replied.

Cronk didn’t like needles. This intensified after Quinn was killed after getting an injection. This sounded worse to Cronk. The Good Doctor was going to take something out of him. Cronk wondered if that would take some of Cronk’s life away.

In ten minutes Cronk appeared at the lab. He was five minutes late due to debating himself whether he really wanted to do this or not.

Entering the lab, Cronk announced, “Cronk ready.”

Dr. Jackal turned to see the large orc enter the room without bumping his head on the way in. He gave him a proper smile as he replied, "Glad to hear you are in good spirits Mr. Cronk. I will do my best to make this as painless as possible. I have done this a lot in the past so I have a lot of practice." Then Dr. Jackal pointed to the large chair for Cronk to sit on. Then he said, "Please sit here Mr. Cronk. Oh can you tell me how much booze you have had since dinner last night? I need to know for studying your blood contents."

“Cronk not drink since meeting,” Cronk confessed. “Had cigar while Cam read to me.”

He looked at the implements the Good Doctor had gathered. Seeing the needle made Cronk queasy, so he sat down with a plop. The chair barely withstood his bulk.

“How much Doctor take?” the orc queried.

Dr. Jackal had already set up his rig for taking blood into a sterilized glass bottle. He planned to take a pint of Cronk's blood but he down played it so he would not upset the nervous Orc. He then poured rubbing alcohol on a clean rag to wiped Cronk's arm as he replied, "Oh just a small sample. You won't even miss it." Then he handed Cronk a pint of rare imported Irish Whisky called "Powers Irish Whiskey". he replied, "Oh I got this as a gift from Lady Elizabeth, but sadly I can't handle booze with my condition anymore. Would you be a good sport and enjoy this for me and tell me about it?" Dr. Jackal used the bottle to distract Cronk as he rubbed his beefy arm and sneaking the needle into a healthy vein.

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