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View character profile for: Dr. Laurent Lemaire (Deceased)

View character profile for: Children of the Sea Leaders
Morning Problems
“You were in charge of hiring the guards. Apparently, I gave the job to the wrong person.” Omilitís tis Alítheias (Spiritual Leader) Antinea was beyond livid.
In the course of the evening, the Children had been attacked and someone had broken in and stolen some very important items. What they took, especially, the Eye of The Sea made the leader think it had something to do with the Eldren that seemed to be investigating the Children. The theft of the Eye and the statue was problematic for their cause but the ledger sheets gave away information they didn’t need getting out.
Socrates Staniadis looked nervous, Antinea was among other things known for her punishments and this offense was serious, then again. “I hired those I thought were worthy of the position from the Children. None of the mages were available and I did not believe you wanted me to go outside the believers.”
Antinea took a deep breath and narrowed her eyes, “A punishment is coming for the guards and you as well. However, not at the moment. Right now we have another issue, Igétis tis ` Alítheias Ritikios, will be returning soon with Iris, how will I explain what happened to him. I fear my head might be on the platter this time.” There would be nothing stopping the Arundan from going to the leaders of the religion, nothing stopping them from blaming her and replacing her with someone else to lead the Paris sect.
The French mage who had been busy in tunnels with the kidnapped victims and Lemaire came into Antinea’s office where the other two were. “Lemaire believes he has figured out the serum. He will be injecting the test subject as soon as you give the order.”
“Very good, Pascal.” Antinea addressed the French mage. She had lucked out in having an empirical mage, who was human on their side. “Let him know it will have to wait until after Ritikios has left, I do not need someone of his esteem being killed or injured by one of the other. I am hoping he will help us in the plan, we have only a few weeks to pull it together.”
“Do you believe he will help?” Pascal asked. “I am not one to question you, my lady but we really do not know anything about him.”
“After what has happened the last few days, I am not leaving anything to chance.” Antinea responded. “I am having him investigated. Hopefully, the gods will have pity on me for taking such precautions against one of their own. However, it is important not one outside of this room knows that. As far as the rest are concerned, he is a God among us, nothing else.”
“Very good,” Pascal responded. “Do you need me for anything else? I do need some time to recharge.”
“No, that will be all for the moment. Thank you.” Antinea dismissed the mage.
Staniadis gave the mage a goodbye in the form of a respectful nod, but said nothing.
Once the mage had left, Antinea focused her attention back on Staniadis. “Go to Lemaire’s lab and check in on him, and send someone to check in on our guests.”
“Yes, my lady. I know just who should check in on them.” Staniadis gave a bow and quickly left.