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View character profile for: Sasha Lagrave
After leaving the breakfast table Sasha went back to the foyer where she’d left her kit. Unrolling the long cloth wrapped bundle that held her weapons. Knives, guns, along with some other strange devices. One of which she took out of a pocket on the roll. It looked like a half gauntlet. Only covering the pointer and middle finger and half the thumb on her left hand. She proceeded to load five more guns on the inside of her coat. One of which was Tueur de Dieu, freshly repaired, Valse du tonnerre, a six shooter revolver, and a small gun that fit in the palm of her hand called Onction de Roscoe. Handing the two handguns on hooks inside the coat, and the small gun in a shoulder rig, she slipped several balanced throwing knives into loops inside, the last weapon was the launcher Lorem gave Sasha, putting it in a SOB holster. The final piece of her gear was the garrote which she looped and pushed inside her sleeve where it could be pulled at a moment's notice. She rolled it back up, and placed the clothes bundled in the corner.
Sasha stepped outside and scanned the street, noticing four men noticing her, but they didn’t know she noticed them. They started moving just as she did, trying to cover ground before she could make some daring getaway. She guessed they thought doubling their efforts against her after the last time would level the playing field. She waited until she heard their footsteps before breaking into a run, and they foolishly gave chase.
She broke off and down an alley that she knew was a dead end, and they likely did too but she wouldn’t be trapped in it with them, they were trapped with her. Sasha was about halfway down the alley when the men’s bodies blocked the light.
“What are you running for?” One asked.
“Yeah what are you running for.” a second man echoed.
“You murder two of our best guys, and you run? What big guy, are you afraid now that you don’t have an element of surprise?” the third chimed in.
“That is a very good question Claude.” the leader said. “So busy trying to get away…you ran right into a trap. And to think the boss was afraid of you, Daylight really strips away the illusion.” he said, taking a step closer, and Sasha let him.
“Alphonse…” the second called out to the leader. “Do you think that’s a good idea?”
“Sure I do, Didier.” Alphonse said, flicking Sasha’s hat off her head, and pulled her mask down. Alphonse’s eyes got wide. “Boys we got a pretty one.” he turned to his men. “Look at that, the sick bastard sent out a woman in his clothes to distract us. “Benoit, Didier check the street, make sure he’s not sneaking up on us.” Alphonse licked his lips, “Maybe we have time for some fun.”
“Oh. We have plenty of time.” Sasha said as she pressed the gauntleted hand against the side of Alphones’ head, and a muffled pop reported smoke coming from the pointer finger. Alphonse’s balance wavered and he rocked on his heels taking a few drunken steps towards his men before they realised a sizable portion of his head was missing and he crumpled to the ground, his body taking some time to realise it was dead.
“You bitch!” Didier screamed and charged, with a flick of her wrist a knife sank into Didier leg and he stumbled landing face first on the hard ground, but Sasha didn’t have any time to finish him off before the other two men were charging, the one called Claude swung a knife at her in a flurry she back stepped away from until her back hit the end of the alley. A wicked smile crossed the man’s lips as he reared back for a powerful thrust of the knife she delivered a hard left to his solar plexus, causing him to waver long enough she wretched his arm behind him and sank his own knife into his back. The last of the four Benoit have picked up some large chunk of fallen masonry, holding it high over his head thinking he could bring it down on her before she could get away from Claude, but before he could bring it down Sasha spun on her heels and unloaded three shots from Valse du tonnerre into his chest, he stumbled for a moment dropping the slab of rock behind him, he held his chest and fell to his knees. Sasha looked at the man’s face, seeing true fear and she fired a fourth shot. The last man, Didier, had gotten to his feet during the commotion and managed to tackle Sash to the ground, attempting to strangle her with his bare hands. Lucky for her neck protector got in his way but that didn’t stop him from clawing and squeezing, but it didn’t keep Sasha from feeling pressure on her windpipe.
The man’s anger seemed to be fueling him enough to squeeze her neck enough she was starting to feel the effect. Before she started to see stars she slammed the metal gloved fists into his head three times before he let go and fell to the ground next to her. And in a sluggish but quick motions Sasha rolled, getting on top of the man’s back and wrapping her garrote tight around his neck. “You want to choke people…?” she asked, not letting him answer, when he spoke she just tightened cord. The man named Didier thrashed and bucked for several minutes before it stopped. Out of breath Sasha went around and one by one made sure all four men were dead. Before heading to the randevu point out of breath. She’d made sure to not be followed by anyone else.