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View character profile for: Captain Masao Wayneright
Second Floor Heist
JP with Lasersexpanther and Cindy
May 12, 1889
The Offices of The Children of The Sea
About 11:30 PM
Masao headed out. Returning to his ship for a brief stop to leave his coat and change into some older clothes, he slicked his hair back and took his gun. He was almost recognizable, he grabbed his lock picks. Taking a deep breath he touched a statue of Fukurokuju on his way out. Fukurokuju a of god of wisdom, luck, longevity, wealth and happiness. He checked his gun was loaded before making his way to the Offices first. If it wasn't there something the could point him in the right direction might be.
In front of the building which housed the offices were two guards. There were four more that were patrolling the area. If Maseo was to go to the backside of the building he would see the two other guards guarding the temple entrance.
The office building was three stories tall, it had windows on the first and second floor, only a small window few windows for ventilation on the third floor. There is one other window partially opened on the second floor, on the side of the building.
The street isn't empty but being it is late evening and this is a warehouse district there are not a lot of people around.
Masao ducked from view of the guards both front door and the patrol. Watching for about three circuits of the building to get his timing down. "You can do this. You can do this." Masao said like a mantra, bouncing on his feet a bit and swinging his arms. Ramping up his heart beat and limbering his muscles.
Two beats after the patrol turned a corner Masao took flight. Sprinting as hard as he could towards the building. Running up the side in a vertical dash, about half way to the window be pushed up with his feet to jump, springing up with the last of his momentum. The tips of his fingers narrowly catching the edge of where the window met brick. For a moment the muscles in his arms burned and his fingers screamed. The ledge was so narrow he was barely gripped with more then the length of his fingernails. Looking to his left, to the open window he angled himself, and swung. Throwing all his weight sideways with all the force he could lever from the adjacent window. The extra space afforded him the balance to push the window open just enough to worm through. Once inside he shut it to nearly identical as it was before he was inside. And then he listened for anyone coming.
No sounds could be heard in the building, this was the second floor and it seemed empty. The lights from the street lamps showed in through the window, it was a clear night out which made it easier to see that the room was an office. Nothing overly special about the office. A metal desk sat a little to the left, with a chair behind it. A small door with a brass knob was off to one side. What looked like metal cabinets sat in the right back corner.
The top of the desk contained a ledger which was closed, a closed inkwell, a small abacus, and a small statue. The desk had a top drawer and three drawers off to the side. On the wall was a painting of the ocean and some basic wave designs.
Masao took a moment to remember the how everything in the room was placed. If he had to run quickly it wouldn't matter but if he planned to be in and out like a ghost he needed to leave not trace. Taking a deep breath he started searching. Running fingers under the lips of drawers and under the desk. He gave the inkwell a twist on the desk, checking for a hidden switch, then the statue. Before moving on to pulling out the drawers he put his eat to each as he pulled them free listening for boobytraps. Finding nothing important, he moved silently over to the painting on the wall, running his fingers around the place the frame touched the wall, checking for switches to a hidden safe. Finding nothing there, he pocketed the statue and tore several random pages from the ledger. They wouldn't give the whole picture but it was to big to take with him. Masao finally moved to the door with a cats grace and placed his ear to the door and listened for sounds of people before slipping into the hallway. Moving through the halls checking each room on the second floor, noting they were for the most part identical, the only difference being the placement of things on the desk and various levels of organization.
Nothing of much interest was to be found on the second floor. The statue seemed to be in every room. No one came up the stairs and no one could be heard on the first floor, but there were guards outside the building.
Masao took a breath and slowly took the first step down the stairs, putting his foot down slow, avoiding any squeak of the stairs. Listening intently after each step, until he was on the next floor. He looked around before getting lower to the ground. Taking notice of the windows, and sticking in the shadows. Focusing on the windows for signs of movement ready to move once the patrol passed again.