Characters in this post

View character profile for: Elizabeth Ellington

View character profile for: Mr. Sung ShunShi

View character profile for: Sasha Lagrave

View character profile for: Harold Dyson
Informing The Team Leader
JP with Lasersexpanther, Redsword and Cindy
May 13, 1889
Ellington Estate
Approximately Midnight
Sasha moved through the manor until she found someone "I would like to speak with Lady Elizabeth is she is feeling well enough."
The servant nodded. "Lady Elizabeth went to her room but said to get her if she was needed. I will let her know. Please wait in the sitting room." He pointed to one of the open sitting rooms, then went to get Elizabeth.
Elizabeth took only a few minutes to descend the stairs and arrive at where Sasha was. "Miss Lagrave, you wanted to speak with me?"
"We managed to...persuade some interesting information from William." Sasha said. "He wanted to play stupid but eventually came around. But we know why they are stealing artifacts, what reason William is working with them, and a possible lead on where they took Miss Lavigne and Dr Jackal." Sasha said, and took a breath. "Where would you like me to begin, or shall we wait for Mr. Sung to have our guest sent on his way?" Sasha asked.
"I suppose we can start with the artifacts. Why are they stealing them?" Elizabeth asked
"According to William they believe most to hold magic, no matter how mundane. Though objects like The Eye of the Sea truly hold magic." Sasha said then explained everything William had told them. From the Visage making potions more powerful to the idea that a mass collection of these artifacts was so sort of key to their plan.
Elizabeth sighed. "Well, I suppose the good news is none of those other artifacts have any magical properties. I sent Captain Maseo to retrieve the Eye of the Sea. Hopefully, he will be successful." She paused, "Alright, then why was William working with them?" Next to the whereabouts of her missing team members, this might have been the question she was most curious about.
"They promised him a place of power when the balance of power was given back to the worthy." Sasha said, giving it her own wording but getting the point across. "Given that it was likely seen Kronk and I dragging leaving the scene with him captured they will probably excommunicated from their group, as to not let anymore secrets spill."
"Well, knowing William, I am not surprised that enticed him to join them. I would guess he actually does not believe what the Children believe." Elizabeth commented. it was good to know there wouldn't be anyone attempting to rescue William however, Which led to the next question. "What about where Miss Lavigne and Dr. Jackal are being held?"
There was a knock at the door. Sung said, "Coming in." the door opened slowly Sung smiled when he looked at Elizabeth and Sasha. "I am sorry for the interruption My Lady, William is bound he is ready to be removed and transported to the Baron," Sung informed them walking in and closing the door behind him.
Sung and changed into a black suit with a dark blue shirt and vest with silver buttons. The Buttons were demon-face samurai somen masks, these masks are even more terrifying. They have fangs and an evil look. Elizabeth had not seen that suit in many years and it meant Sung was done with just being nice. It was this suit he wore in the Yakuza Syndicate known as the Shuvu-arutsudoragon no kōrikuro or Schwarz dragon of kōrikuro. He did not have his sword with him yet but Elizabeth knew it would not be long before he had it.
Sung stood there for a moment before speaking again. "I think we should go back soon and see if we can find Miss. Lily and Mr. Jackal before things go real bad with Mr. Jackal." His tone was respectful but firm in his request.
Elizabeth looked at Sung for a moment, she knew that suit and wasn't sure if she should be concerned that he was wearing it. However, drastic happenings sometimes call for drastic actions.
"Yes," Elizabeth replied. "I was going to send a team in the morning."
The team leader thought for a moment. "I will ask Captain Maseo, when he returns, to go with both of you to the tunnels. He is probably our best option for a third."
"So, can one of you tell me where William said Doctor Jackal and Miss Lavigne might be?" Elizabeth asked.
"No, not a pinpoint location.I have an idea where they might be I can sense Doctor Jackal easily. Miss Lavigne, is a bit harder," replied Sung. he did not want to say anything more about Miss Lavigne He was not sure if he could give something away. "I know where to start and Captain Maseo I think you said is there now. that will be other areas we do not have to cover. I do know underground probably in the back half of the tunnel network." Sung said with some assurance.
"Capitan Maseo is retrieving the Eye of The Sea. I am not sending anyone anywhere until he returns with it. It is a very powerful magical artifact." Elizabeth explained. "It would likely cause more problems for you in the tunnels because we do not know how to use it." She had her mind set, no one was going right now to the tunnels.
"As you wish My Lady," Sung answered. She had set her mind and Sung was not going to challenge it. His tone changed to a more caring gentle tone in his voice. "How are you feeling?" Sung asked with sincerity.
Elizabeth closed her eye for a moment and breathed. "I am not one for complaining, as you know, Mr. Sung, but I also know you can tell when if I downplay things. So for complete honesty my head has seen better days and I, as I assume most here, are quite tired." She turned to Sasha. "Miss Lagrave thank you for all your help and work today. You are free to get some rest." Then she turned back to Sung. "Mr. Sung, please come with me."
Sung waited for Elizabeth he placed his hands behind him and clasped them while he waited. This was unexpected he thought. He would have to see where she was going. He could only hope it was not to go see William. Thinking on that William might not survive the encounter if Elizabeth or Sung loses their patience with William.
Once they were out in the hall, and away from most ears. Elizabeth spoke to Sung. "I know you are likely going to say this is a bad idea but I want to speak with William. I was going to do it tomorrow but think perhaps you being there is best."
However, before Elizabeth could make that visit. Harold was answering the door.