A Strange Fabric

JP with Mdman, Jaxx, and Cindy

The tour guide Elise spoke up, "This has certainly been an interesting demonstration, but I believe we need to move on to our next destination." She looked at the team, "You will have time after the tour to explore headquarters more on your own."

Dr. Morgan nodded, "Yes, please any of you are welcomed to stop in to the chemistry department when you are free to do so."

"Thank you Dr. Morgan," Elise stated, "Also thank you Dr. Eldercott and Mr. Reminize. Thank all of you for your time." Elise then turned to the Orc, who had brought out the door, "And thank you Borse, for your help."

The Orc half grunted a "welcome,"

"Let's move on, everyone." Elise began to lead the group to their next destination.

Cronk was beside himself. He padded from foot to foot, holding his hands out as if making the formation of the blast.

“Made go boom!” the Orc exclaimed with laughter. “Thank you Pretty Flower!”

Cronk was beginning to see the gnome as unique. She seemed to understand him more than the others. He would have to give Pretty Flower a pretty flower in return for his appreciation.

Cronk was beginning to like this place. It was because he had finally experienced something. That is what he enjoyed. He wanted to be a participant.

Dr. Jackal managed to regain his composure as he joined the tour. His red sunglasses hid his glassy eyes that revealed his pain. The trauma of reliving Big Red's atrocities could be overwhelming sometimes. Even though he managed to influence Big Red to focus only on the enemy, it became troublesome when all the enemies were gone and police were left. It pained him to relive such things at inconvenient times, but he was no longer alone and needed to look like he had his act together for lady Elizabeth since he had to many enemies already. So he forced a smile and walked behind the team as he watched the happy Lorem and Cronk ahead of him.

The building next to the science building was much smaller, square shaped. Elise didn’t take the group to that building. The giant Red Cross gave away what the building was for even before Elise explained it was used for first aid.

Next to that building was a bigger, though maybe half the size of the science building, oval shaped building. Which Elise led the group into.

Inside what looked like maybe fifty humans and dwarfs worked at sewing machines.

"This is our textile division," Elise explained. She turned to the right and led the group down a hallway to a large room with some chairs in it. Not as plush as the first meeting room. "Feel free to sit, if you choose."

Once again, there was an Orc sized chair. Along with another chair with a step stool near by.

Once everyone was settled, Elise left for a moment and came back with a woman who stood under 4' tall. Her face was somewhat full but her dark eyes and chin more angled and delicate featured. Ears were definitely pointed. Her hair was as black as the feathers of a raven. Her femaine features were offset by her beard, which was not as full as a dwarfs but more full than a half-humans might be. Her body was more sturdy than that of a gnome but a little less sturdy than that of a dwarf. For anyone who had seen one before, the woman was likely half-dwarf/half-gnome but for those who hadn't she would look a little odd, looking like both races but not fully like either.

Elise went to speak up other women spoke up. "Ah, yes you are the new team. Under Lady Elizabeth. Welcome, welcome. I am Adele. I am in charge - in this building." Her accent was ... European but it was difficult to place, she sounded almost a cross between French and Italian.

Adele walked up to each team member, stopping at Dr. Jackal first. "Yes, yes..." Before moving on on to Dumont. 'Ah, I see..", then Sasha. "You ... mask... could work with that...yes."

She seemed to be going in some order but it wasn't necessarily the one people were sitting in.

Next Adele walked over to Vor, "Interesting," but it wasn't said in a derogatory way. "I have never had the pleasure of designing for an Arundan. Your race makes such beautiful things already." Definitely a nod to the artistic qualities that all Arundan seemed to have.

Adele moved on to Cronk, even if Cronk was sitting the half-dwarf/half-gnome had to strain her neck to look up at him.

"Yes, Orcs. I designed the uniforms for the ones here, at headquarters." All the Orc guards had been walking around in blue outfits with red trim, all the guards had similar outfits. "A challenge, yes."

"Now you, " Adele moved over to Lorem, "Such a delicate delight. Yes... I do something pretty and functional for you. Yes. Yes. Can work with all. Yes."

Adele walked back to the front of the room and towards the door, "Come, come. I show you my domain." The woman then almost half to herself but definitely, purposely, loud enough for the team to hear. "That Baron just thinks he's in charge. Does he understand how to make ...anything. .. no ...no..."

Dr. Jackal remained calm as the high spirited little woman insisted they see her designs. He was assuming she was a tailor or seamstress and by the looks of her work she did have a lot of talent. Seeing as she insisted, he stood up to follow her with the others. Since she said it was easy to make him clothes, he wondered if she was not aware of his "other half". He seriously doubted she would want to meet Big Red and he seriously doubted Big Red would model for her since he was prone to destruction and killing.

Adele led the group down a hallway and to a room where, the people working looked more like scientists than seamstresses.

"Ah, yes...my research." Adele was approached by one of the workers, who showed her a sketch. "Tsk, no, no.... all wrong." She starting pointing to things on the drawing. "Change this, slim that, and what is this..no... all wrong.... no capes..."

Adele looked back to the team, "Let me show you my invention...." The women went over to one of the workers and grabbed some material out of the wooden box that was sitting to them. "Here," she handed the fabric to Cronk. "You ...pull this as far as you can."

The fabric was black, kind of looked cotton like but was slightly heavier than what one would expect.

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