A Baron's Words (Part 2)

JP with Redsword and Cindy

Elizabeth was trying to also keep her anger in check, though it could be difficult around Greenwood. "Sir, I must say that both the Arundan, Mr. Vor'Aster and the Orc, Mr. Cronk offer skills and abilities others would not possess. Is it not true yourself hires Orcs to work here, at headquarters. And isn't true that those teams that can get Arundans to work for find their abilities quite useful." Elizabeth then added, though as politely as possible,

Greenwood looked at Elizabeth, "Very well. You do realize I will have both of them vetted. Let us hope I do not find anything about either of them that will warrant another meeting like this one."

"Understood," Elizabeth did not seem particularly concerned with this.

"Now, perhaps we should move on to any new information you might have regarding the Lemaire case." Greenwood said.

Elizabeth was trying to also keep her anger in check, though it could be difficult around Greenwood. "Sir, I must say that both the Arundan, Mr. Vor'Aster and the Orc, Mr. Cronk offer skills and abilities others would not possess. Is it not true yourself hires Orcs to work here, at headquarters. And isn't true that those teams that can get Arundans to work for find their abilities quite useful." Elizabeth then added, though as politely as possible,

Greenwood looked at Elizabeth, "Very well. You do realize I will have both of them vetted. Let us hope I do not find anything about either of them that will warrant another meeting like this one."

"Understood," Elizabeth did not seem particularly concerned with this.

"Now, perhaps we should move on to any new information you might have regarding the Lemaire case." Greenwood said.

Sung just gave a nod in response letting Elizabeth explain what they had so far.

Elizabeth first explained about how they believed that Lemaire was getting around through the tunnels. Then Elizabeth handed Greenwood the paper Dr. Jackal had given listing the ingredients.

Greenwood then listened as Elizabeth explained about what they knew about the Children of the Sea and the Visage.

All of which took a while to get through. At the end of it, Greenwood look bordered on surprise. "That is a lot your team manage to uncover in one day."

Greenwood handed both the report from Sasha and the notes from Dr. Jackal back go Elizabeth, "Just send me a copy of these."

"Yes, Sir." Elizabeth responded.

Greenwood obviously had not been expecting so much to be uncovered in the first day. Elizabeth was pretty sure, Greenwood had wanted another thing to call her out on.

"I still think you are too young for this position, " Greenwood started. "Are you aware this was not the original plan?"

Elizabeth nodded, "Yes, Sir. I was supposed to apprentice under the leader of the team that Mr. Dumont was a part of. The one that met such a grisly end."

"Yes," The Baron sighed, the quiet in his voice indicated he was not without emotion over the incident that had claimed those lives. "That was tragic, and something that would be awful to have a repeat of. You have a team that should be able to take Lemaire down. That is what I should be able to expect from then, from you," Greenwood looked Elizabeth straight in the face. " I do not believe that you will be able to get Lemaire. I believe that you will mess up more things than you get right. That you are too young and inexperienced for this position, but I've already expressed such concerns and there is not much else I can do. Except this."

Greenwood stared at Elizabeth, as if he was reading her thoughts at the moment. "Prove me wrong. Be able to come in here the next time and gloat over the fact that I was wrong. As much as we will disagree on things or ...what is that expression butt heads? I have known you since you were a child and your parents even longer and I do not want to have to tell them their daughter died, or worse died over a simple mistake." Greenwood said nothing after that, letting the words sink into Elizabeth's mind.

Sung took his cane put it in front of him and placed both hands on it. " My Lord that Lady Elizabeth might be young for this position. But not too young you don't know her as I do. That is why the Duke placed me with her. If that will make you feel any better My Lord. That dose not mean I hold her hand. But more guided her in the right direction." added Sung with a grin.

Elizabeth bit back a smile, as Sung spoke. It was true and Elizabeth was well aware her father had sent Sung with her because he was like family, someone trusted, someone she could ask advice of.

Greenwood looked at Sung, "Mr. Sung, I am well aware of your abilities. I do believe that your insight will be of use to Elizabeth." He then focused his attention back to Elizabeth. "Like I said, prove to me that I am wrong. Starting with now, what are you going to do regarding Dr. Jackal?"

"I am confining him to my estate. He seems content to work in the lab." Elizabeth explained.

"That is a start. What are you doing to contain the darker elements of the man?" Greenwood waited for an answer.

"I am going to do research at the magic guild for a binding spell. It might keep it in check." Elizabeth explained.

"It also could backfire on you." Greenwood said. "Why binding and not an elimination spell?"

"It is not a possession. The darker side of Dr. Jackal is another half of the doctor himself, rather than an entity taking over fully. An elimination spell would likely kill the human part of the doctor as well. If not kill him, than leave behind nothing but a husk. I would like to avoid that, if possible. " Elizabeth explained.

Greenwood looked at Elizabeth, then to Sung, then back to Elizabeth. "Do something for Dr. Jackal. Anymore incidents like what happened at the Exposition and other arrangements might have to be made."

"I understand," Elizabeth responded.

"Good," Greenwood said, "Now, was there anything else?"

"Miss Ipsum had some designs to show. They were taken to the Engineering department." Elizabeth explained..

Greenwood clapped his hands together, "I look forward to seeing those. The tour should end at Engineering. Why don't we make our way there?"

Sung said nothing he would leave the ending statements to Lady Elizabeth. Using his cane he stood up and bowed slightly. and waited on Lady Elizabeth.

Right as Elizabeth stood up, there was a knock on Greenwood's door. "Enter," the Baron said.

Flora came in and commented, "There is something that needs your attention, my Lord."

"Very well then," Greenwood commented before turning his attention back to Elizabeth. "Lady Elizabeth, I will meet you and your team in Engineering, shortly. "

"Thank you, my Lord." Elizabeth replied, with a slight bow, and exited the office with Sung.

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