Smoke Screen
Nov 19, 2022, 8:48am
Malacost whirled around kicking the man he was fighting towards the burning building.
He turned in time to see the wounded man, Gonyaul, bloody and battered reach out and grab the ...
Nov 18, 2022, 8:18am
Voah held herself up, leaning drunkenly on her left arm, recovering from the witch’s forceful blast. She swayed. Strained gasps and ragged, guttural grunts were expelled as she sputtered w ...
Blight of the Maleficium
Nov 17, 2022, 2:54pm
Shalia’s body froze the moment she was touched, lips pausing and parted in a sharp gasp. Her gaze fell from Voah to the ground, eyes going wider and more afraid by the second. Everything s ...
The Vauxian Touch
Nov 17, 2022, 9:00am
Due to their feral escalation, Voah and Shalia’s attention remained solely fixed on each other’s ferocity. It was an awful sight to see so much pain and discomfort being discharged from ...
Feral Fists
Nov 17, 2022, 7:24am
JP with White_Caribou and Omni
For a moment it seemed like the dark haired witch was going to respond to Voah’s plea, but sadly ended with inevitable impossibility and the contin ...
Nov 17, 2022, 3:03am
“Is being creepy part of the Brotherhood’s basic training? Or is that a special gift of yours?”
Alexis made good use of this unsettling display and threw her dagger at his exposed t ...
The red stone
Nov 16, 2022, 3:31pm
Alexis continued to defend herself as much as she could against Amalu's onslaught. She even managed to send some timely ripostes through the dark robe's defence, scoring a few cuts on ...
Let It End
Nov 16, 2022, 1:33pm
JP with Omni and White_Caribou
Voah’s sword fell against the witch’s spear and pauldron; the skull of some dead beast that hugged her shoulder, protecting it. She just barely d ...
Tattoos of Violence
Nov 16, 2022, 12:35pm
Gonyaul screamed in blood-curdling surprise at the pain. The bite of the blade felt similar to the Luger slash; however, less organic, slower-made and deeper than he experienced ever before. ...
Another wound
Nov 16, 2022, 10:55am
Gonyaul kicked his right foot forward and struck his attackerstepping foot sending it backwards. This caused her planting foot to move behind the progression of her knee, hips and sho ...
Nov 15, 2022, 8:49pm
JP with Omni, Winteroak, and White_Caribou
Malacost ran towards Voah swinging his blade as two dark robes made to flank the woman. They seemed to be holding back somehow.
His ey ...
Crippled Pride
Nov 15, 2022, 5:06pm
The slight rest given by their retreat let Tarmen assess things further.
The truth was that once again he was useless in the ongoing battle, barely aware if his right arm was still there a ...
First Date with an Arrow
Nov 15, 2022, 3:28pm
Gonyaul's eyes widened in surprise as he looked at his outreached right hand pinned by an arrow. It took a second for the pain to register because that was the same hand that he sliced earli ...