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View character profile for: Voah Sahnsuur

View character profile for: Tarmen Frespit

View character profile for: Gonyaul'vaux

View character profile for: Malacost Spuria

View character profile for: Shalia Nix
Tattoos of Violence
Gonyaul screamed in blood-curdling surprise at the pain. The bite of the blade felt similar to the Luger slash; however, less organic, slower-made and deeper than he experienced ever before. He was not accustomed to these types of wounds, since he was a fledgling when it came to actual mortal combat. While others had the maturity to suppress their outbursts like would an adult learning to hold their tongue, Gonyaul cried out like a newborn.
The cut, if allowed to heal, would become yet another scar added to his growing collection. They were like tattoos of violence overlaying his Vauxian calligraphy; the doctrine of malevolence and suffering trying to obscure the tattoos of peace and kindness beneath. This slice, when combined with the one running horizontal along his pectorals (from the first assassination attempt on his life) would end up looking like the number seven on his torso, with the base towards his right hip and the conjunction of the two at his left pectoral. Then there would be the new whip scar that would run horizontal across his face from the nose bridge to right cheek. A slice shaped scar on the inside of his right hand, a arrow puncture scar on the back. And to cap it off, a series of very small randomly patterned puncture scars riddling his back from the deep driving splinters and a small kiss shaped scar where the arrowhead punctured the front of his right shoulder. Violence made beautiful things ugly.
Gonyaul grunted and choked on his own bloody saliva pooling in the back of his mouth as he instinctually went into action. He grabbed her arm, that was holding the weapon, and pulled it straight and up towards his upper body while simultaneously swiveling his lower body up to her head region; his legs tightly wrapped around her head and he trapped her arm. The arm grab was not as clean as he would have liked, because he wasn't using his both hands, but just his left and the crook of his elbow from his right arm due to the injury. It sufficed though fortunately in effectively pinning the arm and applying pressure on the lady's wrist to the point she had to let go the blade or allow her joints to break. The dagger fell to the ground next to his head, the handle clunking him just a bit in the forehead on its way down.
He screamed again in surprise but kept going through the grappling maneuvers. He had never moved like this with all these injuries and therefore, had not factored into how badly it would hurt and how much the exertion would cause blood to pump out of the wounds. Gonyaul shifted his hips at a slant, effectively turning her head between his legs away from him. He then clamped down harder and locked her neck like a vice between his powerful thighs with the back of her head forcefully against his crotch. He then arched his back ever so slightly to add more leverage power and held on tight.
The dark robe tried to squirm and escape. She thrashed and growled in fury at Gonyaul's hold; however, was unable to get out. She was being deprived of oxygen and her struggling began to wane from the lack of air. Gonyaul's peripheral vision saw a projectile coming in and he torqued just enough so an arrow just missed and splintered on the ground where the lady's head, and his thigh, used to be. Gonyaul had effectively saved her life and assumed like last time, they were trying to kill their own person? Either that or they just missed hitting him, trying to get him off her.
He began to feel himself get nauseous and woozy, most likely from the combination of blood loss and concussion. Despite the difficulties he held on for dear life. If he wanted any chance to save Voah, he could not fail in his attempt to incapacitate this opponent. Moments later the woman was unconscious, but still alive. He could have killed her like he did the wild dog in the desert, but he chose not to. There was someone out there that loved her and needed her, he was certain.
Gonyaul released her limp form and rolled away from her, narrowly avoiding yet again another arrow that splintered off the ground. The broken wooden pieces ricocheted off his left butt cheek and felt like he was being pelted by small rocks. He needed to move. He needed to get to Voah.
He began to crawl, the herculean effort looked pathetic in its progress and eerie in its totality. His long hair was covering much of his face, spilling all over the place and matted with blood; Voah's precious jade comb was missing off to the side, having fallen off finally when he rolled out from under the falling dark robe woman. His right hand was up to his chest and close to his body, he wasn't using it to crawl instead opting to keep it protected. His left leg decided it was done for the evening due to the strains and contusions. Only his right leg and left arm were helping him move towards Voah and Shalia. His back had no more than ten pieces of splintered wooden door sticking out of it, making his demonic visage look like he had spikes or hedgehog bristles coming out of him. His dark eyes were having trouble staying open due to blood loss and shock. The flames reflecting in the dark orbs looked like they were going off and on as his eyelids kept falling and rising. His entire bandaged face was blood red and it obscured from view if he even had a nose and mouth at all.
As he crawled he got lower and lower, and slower and slower, almost dragging himself at this point. His ragged breathing made him sound like what one's imagination of the undead might be. He was leaving a long trail of blood like the slime trail of a snail. Strangely enough he found himself fighting the urge to fall asleep. This was odd, since sleeping now would be the worst idea ever; however, there was definitely this urge to just lay down and close his eyes.
No more arrows were coming. Most likely it was because the archer thought anymore arrows would be wasted on Gonyaul. It was obvious he was done, no longer a threat to anybody, no longer a threat to escape, and if left unattended would be bleeding out.
Gonyaul's view was trained on Voah. In his mind he was saying ~I am coming. Everything is going to be ok. Almost there my Love.~