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View character profile for: Voah Sahnsuur

View character profile for: Alexis Greyriver

View character profile for: Tarmen Frespit
Madness all around
”Feumaidh tu a bhith gam magadh…”*
The whisper sprang from Alexis’s lips before she had to focus back completely on her fight if she wanted to keep her head on her shoulders for a little longer.
Voah? Here? Now? Was this some kind of twisted joke?
If so she wasn’t laughing. She definitely needed all her breath to make it through another series of attacks from her adversary.
His fighting style actually shared some similarities with her own, being a somewhat methodical fighter herself. Which probably was the only reason that while she was gathering a growing collection of cuts, so far at least she had not lost any limbs.
But her analytical self was coming to the conclusion that eventually she was going to loose this. She was barely able to get some attacks of her own in between her desperate defense, and the man gave no signs of slowing down.
Her stubborn self was oddly alright with that outcome, as long as she got him to work just a little harder for his precious hammer head. There were worse ways to go out for a warrior than being bested in battle.
And it certainly was one way to be finally free of this unwanted burden of a quest, while there was still some sanity left in her.
Actually, maybe white-eyes guy should hurry up and kill her already, because there was no other explanation other than her imminent descent into madness for her seeing Tarmen tumbling out of an alley almost next to her fighting several black robes like a beast. With the help of what seemed to be a young local woman directing a small storm of debris.
What next? Hunter emerging from a rooftop throwing knives like a metal tornado? Gonyaul rolling in singing on a burning barrel?
*”You have got to be kidding me…”