Same Bruises, Different Story
Nov 20, 2022, 4:01pm
As Gon’yaul journeyed deeper into his mental trappings, Tarmen was stirring from his own.
It started as twitching, quickly followed by an attempt to strike an unseen foe. The soreness th ...
Lilliark’s Song
Nov 20, 2022, 2:08pm
Gonyaul’s breathing had slowed along with his heartbeat. Unable to breathe through his nose presently, his body naturally compensated by parting his chapped lips. The breaths were so shall ...
To keep the Ether at bay
Nov 20, 2022, 1:10pm
Jp with Winteroak and Bandorchu
Far too exhausted to resist the pull, Alexis‘s legs carried her over to the impossible figure of Tar without her prompting. Unlike before when she had ...
The One Still Trapped
Nov 20, 2022, 12:53am
Tamazzalt stayed once the rest of the council left, as the new returned Sister Locust had requested at the very end of the meeting.
“What more can you tell of Madaya’s condition,” ...
Nov 20, 2022, 12:46am
They had been hunted down and lost everything in the fire. Voah feared that she would lose Gonyaul too. If it was inevitable then she was prepared to go with him.
What had happened tonig ...
The Onset of Fever
Nov 19, 2022, 11:54pm
After meticulous attention to detail and laborious care, an exhausted Alexis left behind a practically half mummified form of Gonyaul. The stitches and bandages were covering a large amount ...
First Council Meeting
Nov 19, 2022, 8:56pm
The tension in the room was still palpable. As was the trepidation of what this could mean for the future of the desert folks.
An Helian had assumed the mantle of the Immortal Seer. A ch ...
Echoes of fire
Nov 19, 2022, 6:42pm
Alexis headed down into the crypt as the sun started to break over the city.
It wasn't just her that needed to leave. Sooner or later so would all her companions.
As she journey ...
Going through the motions
Nov 19, 2022, 4:53pm
Alexis tended to Gonyaul first, allowing herself to focus only on the next grisly injury to take care of and nothing else.
She was barely aware how dreadfully long the procedure was takin ...
Ruling The Present, Helped from the Past
Nov 19, 2022, 2:53pm
Dreams intermingled with memories, many of which were not her own, occupied the woman’s night creating a strange mixture of things that had never occurred. Gathered around a fire with Ale ...
Ripped at the Seams
Nov 19, 2022, 1:32pm
The night of the hunt, the scene laid out before Shalia was a passing blur that would only be focused on later. Bodies moving rapidly as she swam in her heavy breaths and slowing tears, star ...
Next morning
Nov 19, 2022, 1:30pm
Islana opened her eyes slowly as the light from the new day washed over her still form, flooding her quarters with warmth.
A basin made of green and white marble, perched on top o ...
Finally Reaching Safety
Nov 19, 2022, 11:48am
Tarmen had accepted Alexis’s plan without resistance, knowing full well time was of the essence. After shifting Silina onto his shoulder, he followed Alexis blindly in their retreat, aware ...