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View character profile for: Voah Sahnsuur

View character profile for: Alexis Greyriver

View character profile for: Tarmen Frespit

View character profile for: Gonyaul'vaux
The Onset of Fever
After meticulous attention to detail and laborious care, an exhausted Alexis left behind a practically half mummified form of Gonyaul. The stitches and bandages were covering a large amount of surface area above his waste, tapering off quickly and considerably on his lower half. The wrappings, to varying degrees, were already showing red signs of the wounds beneath; however, it was now contained. Unfortunately there would be no additional changing bandages for him or any of the others; all the first aid supplies being used up among the party.
Gonyaul had an angelic quality of peace as he slept on, even though half his face was hidden by bandages. He showed absolutely no signs of waking. In fact, as time passed his brow began to bead with sweat. It looked as if a fever was trying to set in. While he looked restful on the exterior, inside his immune system had not escaped mortal combat.
His body temperature, cold from the loss of blood was slowly starting to raise as its internal mechanisms were setting inflammatory fires to burn through him before infection took permanent residency. Despite how uncomfortable and painful he must be at the moment, he slept on. His body was desperately trying to replenish the loss of blood. His heart was tiring and slowing down to catch its breath. In addition, he was very low on resources, like nutrients and hydration, making it harder for his system to be resilient.
To any attendee, it was clear that he was not fairing well.