Showing posts 511 - 525 of 2814

Meditation Training Absentee

Dec 6, 2022, 3:57pm by Lorem

Orohc Adweltis'vaux, one of the elders of the village, calmly made her way through the Vauxian treetop architecture to the academic platform constructed higher up in the canopy. She was ...

First meeting

Dec 5, 2022, 3:12pm by Winteroak

Kingdom of Salos - Orb Four months before landfall in Arcadia Not long now. Not long before the three deep sea vessels, a miracle of modern engineering, were due to set s ...

Of Lords, Ladies and Unknown Lands

Dec 5, 2022, 11:58am by Cindy

Lord Aldous Vasant was not what most would call an attractive man. His hair, what was left of it, was the grey of a dreary day. Eyes were a dull brown as if taken from a tree stump. The ...


Dec 5, 2022, 7:00am by Bandorchu

Alexis had a bad feeling about this. They had been sneaking far beyond the front to the northeast of Torja. What kind of job in Vastad’s name did Seoras get them into now? Man was ev ...

Dark Ages in the Jungle

Dec 5, 2022, 1:34am by Lorem

To those that love happy endings out of tragic tails of woe, now might consider being encouraged that a small group of Vaux survived. Such optimism should be saved for a later time, becau ...


Dec 5, 2022, 12:49am by Omni

The porcelain hands of Shalia Nix turned another page of the Arbiter’s journal… ————— Excerpt from the personal journal of Voah Sahnsuur ~ Arrival in Nulbuz ...

The Vauxian Exodus

Dec 4, 2022, 11:17pm by Lorem

When it became obvious what the Inquisition was doing to their people, it was too late to do anything but flee. The evil grip of the Inquisition was tight, but not yet perfected, allowing ...

The job

Dec 4, 2022, 6:50pm by Winteroak

Seoras looked at the parchment corner slowly catching fire as he held the paper to the flame of his candle. He looked as the fine penmanship was devoured in slowly at first, but a few hea ...


Dec 4, 2022, 8:59am by Cindy

The house had been in rare form all day with the preparations for the party. Even Lord Vasant had been too busy to deal much with the staff himself. He had even left Islana alone for the ...

The Genocidal Vise

Dec 3, 2022, 11:43pm by Lorem

“Keep your eyes on both hands of those that rush too quickly to your aid, for one may lure with the promise of salvation while the other hides a deadly hook.” The Vaux could have ...


Dec 3, 2022, 6:02pm by Bandorchu

It was mostly small things, really. For example something as mundane as going out for a drink after a long day in the field. Now outsiders might have smiled at this, but the Wulvers di ...

Vasant Manor

Dec 3, 2022, 5:48pm by Winteroak

Vasant Manor - Kingdom of Torja Five years before landfall in Arcadia Three days north of Rekas the capital of the Kingdom, stood the opulent Vasant Manor. One of the la ...

The Old Crew pt. 1

Dec 3, 2022, 5:39pm by LucianNepreen

Trenian’s Burgh, Kru’ll. South of the eastern Mizarian border 5 years prior to leaving for Arcadia Tarmen stalked through his favorite hunting ground, an area of the jungle that ha ...


Dec 3, 2022, 3:34pm by Winteroak

Great Library of Orb Six months before landfall in Arcadia Sir Zane nodded his thanks to the librarian who deposited another handful of dusty old tomes and charts in the ...


Dec 3, 2022, 2:47pm by Omni

Letter to Voah Sahnsuur Circa 10 months before her arrival in Arcadia Good Arbiter, Honorable High Sword of Vastad, I must commend you again on the progress in your endeav ...

Showing posts 511 - 525 of 2814