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View character profile for: Voah Sahnsuur
Letter to Voah Sahnsuur
Circa 10 months before her arrival in Arcadia
Good Arbiter,
Honorable High Sword of Vastad,
I must commend you again on the progress in your endeavors, expressly your expedient advancement in the ranks of the Holy Office. As I recall it was just five years ago that I met with you, a budding Arbiter, and not two years ago you were appointed as our virtuous High Sword.
I trust you are fairing well. It has been too long since I, and dare I say ‘WE’ of the council, have been personally graced with such undeniably gifted and pleasant company as yours.
It is not these personal affairs wherefore I have extended this missive, rather a matter of duty.
It has come to the attention of the High Council that there are signs of maleficium within the heartlands.
You are hereby summoned forthwith to Nulbuzar village, located three days north riding of His Holy Shrine City of Zinheim. You are to meet with local governance, Auctor Merkiixh, who will provide you further details and accommodations.
The investigation of this matter is of the utmost importance and needs to be dealt with swiftly and efficiently and there is not one else The Council would trust the matter with at such short notice but Vastad's Holy Sword.
Blessing of the Pillars upon you,
Yemm Drovani,
Council of Elders, Holy Office of Inquisition
Arbiter Voah Sahnsuur lowered the scroll of correspondence, its golden wax seal bearing the mark of the Holy Office lay broken in her lap, contrasting the brilliant red overcoat that adorned her.
Voah tucked the scroll back into its leather case and turned her gaze to the scenery outside.
The fiacre in which she found herself bounced and rattled along an old road, forcing her to bobble in her seat. She waved away a waft of smoke from the coachman’s pipe as it rolled backward around the carriage and into her face.
Outside, the sky was blue grey with undulating clouds and a sheet of white hung low, creating a bed of mist in the green timberland vale and fertile fields cradled between the heartland hills.
That was to be her direction after a stay in the nearest hamlet that bordered the woody entrance.