Buying time and making a play...
Dec 12, 2021, 6:02pm
Wim looked up at the thugs and their boss and smiled politely not moving from the chair.
“That is a poor way to try to talk to your betters, is it not?” Wim asked in a tone that expres ...
Tonight's Entertainment
Dec 12, 2021, 11:25am
The night was turning out to be fairly decent in Tarmen's book. Like at the barracks, the Drunken Hare was fairly calm and the bartender was even polite. He still watched the man pour their ...
Dec 12, 2021, 9:32am
There was a lot Voah wanted to say to the thugs that had disrupted her conversation but the scene was almost comical.
"Good lord, has this sort of talk ever actually worked for you? I hav ...
A Long Journey
Dec 12, 2021, 8:45am
Dream: Hunter looked around and found himself in a beautiful garden as he heard an enchanting voice. It was the voice of his beloved and was calling out to him. Before he knew it he was ru ...
So much for a quiet evening
Dec 12, 2021, 7:02am
“Oi, Henryk…”
Alexis calmly adressed her companion as she observed the local peanut gallery obviously try and make ’friends’ with some high class newcomers she felt she had seen ...
Drunken Hare
Dec 11, 2021, 7:03pm
Old Jorn could not believe how busy the place was today. The Hare was usually the haunting grounds of farmhands, lumberjacks and the poorest in general in town. The food was questionable, th ...
To The Night
Dec 11, 2021, 4:17pm
It looked as if no one important had stayed long at the port, leaving simple guardsmen and bilge rats to handle supplies. With a bit of deflation Tarmen assumed he would have to sell his pit ...
Ready For A Night Out On The Town?
Dec 11, 2021, 2:44pm
Voah was accustomed to both elegance AND comfort. She would be lying if she said the sisters’ Neophyte habit was either of those things. The fabric laid heavy and burdensome on her shoulde ...
First bank and trust
Dec 11, 2021, 9:18am
Wim walked in to the Drunken Hare to find the place busy. A few people glared at him and he smiled back gently.
A man who had watched his conversation with Sir Zane, and his skipping the ...
And still they come..
Dec 11, 2021, 4:52am
"The first few days at the colony are the strangest. And the reality of your situation doesn't truly set in. The people around you are excited, even friendlier. There are ships in the har ...
New Territory
Dec 10, 2021, 6:09pm
When it came to ship travel, Tarmen Frespit had definitely experienced better. He had held back the sea sickness fair enough and the food left much to be desired, but what had truly soured t ...
Grubby the Thief
Dec 10, 2021, 2:31am
Till looked down from the rafter that he carefully balanced himself on. He had followed the thief to this old run down building. This building may have housed the pigs the first settlers had ...
Reality, paging Mr. Wim..
Dec 9, 2021, 5:28pm
Wim watched as Sir Zane left with his mouth open.
“Father, you bastard,” he said softly in a bit of shock.
Squires started when they were five or six, not his age. He was of noble bi ...