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Character Hunter

View character profile for: Hunter

A Long Journey

Dream: Hunter looked around and found himself in a beautiful garden as he heard an enchanting voice. It was the voice of his beloved and was calling out to him. Before he knew it he was rushing to her side and eventually found her. He held her and gazed upon her beauty and mischievous smile. She had a wild streak she hid from her father and was determined to get what she wanted. She wanted to choose her own future and her own man since her father wanted to control her like a prized horse to trade for more power. Hunter knew their love was forbidden but he could not resist her since she could easily tug at his heart with but a smile. They kissed passionately as if they had all the time in the world. Then Hunter felt something off as he broke the kiss only to see he was holding his beloved who was dying in his arms.

A surge of emotions raged inside Hunter as he woke up to see the crew and passengers sleeping. It was the same dream again. He had had that same dream for the last two years while he was on the run from the Duke. While on the run he took from his pursuers and managed to save a decent amount of coins, clothes and weapons by living in the forests.

Hunter was in the corner of the living quarters in a corner with his back to the wall. He was used to resting and sleeping very little as he his past job was demanding. He was raised to be a silent killer of men and not attract any attention, so he only interacted with others when it was necessary. The place reeked of the unbathed crew and passengers. He would sometimes observe them and listen to them as he hid in his corner. Part of him was concerned he would be recognized and part of him was concerned they would try to take advantage of him.

Granted he had no desire to get close to anyone, he found it important to know who was going to be in Arcadia with him. He over heard there was a group of mercenaries called Sell/Swords by others who would work as temporary soldiers. There was a woman in white who was somewhat sickly during the trip who was part of the church. He also saw several gamblers and drunkards who argued over losing and winning. He saw no point in wasting your coin and then complaining about it. Hunter preferred to keep to himself and get a good work out while working on the ship. Granted the pay was low he was used to it since his past boss barely paid him at all.

As for food, Hunter managed to make due with dried meat, fruits and vegetables he had stored on himself in hidden pouches. He had prepared these things in the forests before gaining passage on the ship. His training was strict and he was used to having to fend for himself. The big challenge was the lack of fresh water so Hunter ate just enough to get by and not be wasteful. As for the sea sickness he was able to keep his mind calm enough to endure it and when someone got sick he would take a walk on the deck. Since he had good eyesight he would often work in the crows nest to get some alone time.

After a month at sea, Hunter heard that they would be docking soon. He prepped his backpack and secured his weapons as he went on deck to hear what the Captain had to say. After a month to ponder his options for a job he narrowed it down to sell/sword and hunter. Seeing as he preferred his solitude he was leaning toward Hunter since it was within his skill set. He looked up at the bright blue sky, then at the land ahead as he took a deep breath of air and let it out as he muttered, "This is me breathing".


< Prev : So much for a quiet evening Next > : Disruption