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Welcome Drunken Hare
Posted byPosted: Dec 12, 2021, 8:39pm
Wolf, after getting settled in went to the bath to get the grime off of his body. he took his time then returned to his room. Wolf placed his robe on his bed. Get dressed in a thick shirt and pants with a Brigandine armor vest and boots. those things that were clean. Walking back across the room he put his sword belt on which his sword, Parrying Dagger, and Kukri blade. Picking up Wolf's vest holding his throwing knives he buckled it making sure it fit right. Wolf fastened his cloak around his armor. Wolf looked himself over and was satisfied.
Wolf walked out of his room. There were two other men were sitting at a table by the fireplace. The common room was in the middle of the place he was staying. The reflection of the light off of their faces told they were senior in age. Their dress he could tell they were scholars.
The two scholars looked at Wolf carefully. They seemed shocked at his appearance. Wolf bows slightly to the two men placing his hand on his chest. " I am Master Blackwolf, I am pleased to meet you both, " said Wolf with proper etiquette.
One of the men smiled. "I am Simon, this is Peter. No need to be so formal with us we are all equal here, "said Simon. Blackwolf smiled. Most call me Wolf, "Replied Wolf.
"Wolf it is then. I see you are going out. This town can be ruff be careful. But can see you have a sword. I was told you were a scholar." Questioned Simon looking over Wolf.
He walked closer to them and halfway to the front door. "Yes, I am a scholar. I have traveled a lot. I have them because I deal in Antiquities a lot. Never know where that could take you," answered Wolf.
"That's is far assessment. It is good to know we have nuthing to fear at night with you around," said Peter.
Wolf gave Peter a nod. "glad to be of service. I am off to the Drunken Hair I think it is called," Wolf said. Simon shook his head "watch your back in that place hope to see you alive tomorrow morning." Simon's tone on of caution.
Wolf walk to the front door He looked back at the two men "I will be on guard in the tavern." Wolf said walking out.
He wandered around the streets this was not the first let's say frontier town. Wolf hoped it would be his last. Then found the Drunken Hair there was a lot of noise. It looked like a typical Tavern. all the smell of drink and smoke. Wolf walked in He knew he would be dressed better than most and that would draw some attention.
He could see the place was about to get interesting. Wolf watched people moving some adjusting weapons while others preparing for the brawl to come. He could see a Noble sitting in the back or it looked to be a noble. Wolf remembered him from the ship but was not sure he did not really interact with him. Wolf walked in that direction.
Wolf stopped a Bar wench "The best ale you have." He requested with a charming smile dropping some coin on her try.
Wolf got close enough to hear what was being said.
Wolf let out a chuckle loud enough for the people at Wim's table to hear. "well-said sire, and that would make three to three." Wolf bowed his head to the Arbiter. Then said, "Arbiter, good evening it is an honor to see you again." Then he turned to the three men. " I am obligated to help the Noble and the Arbiter. If you do choose to fight. Then answer to the High Lord tomorrow on why you would attack one of his advisers. The law is quite clear on this you will be in irons and or stockade for a very long time or could be executed. "Oh.. May manners I am Master Blackwolf. Now If you have a benefactor we should be aware of say of him now. So we may address this matter." said Wolf with some authority.