Showing posts 2536 - 2550 of 2814

The Shipwreck - Sentinel Island - Alexis & Nicolaus

Feb 10, 2022, 5:10pm by Strangetides

Alexis grabbed her gear, some provision and simple tools as well as paper and coal. There might, after all, be some obstacles to get rid of and some details to be found worth jotting down. ...


Feb 10, 2022, 4:09pm by Winteroak

Timestamp: Ostiarium forest - late afternoon Hendrik looked at the rider suspiciously. He recognised the young man. The lording that had made a spectacle of himself that first nigh ...


Feb 9, 2022, 1:12pm by Winteroak You make your way back to the beach cove satisfied the others are making the best preparations poss ...

Going Savage

Feb 8, 2022, 10:26pm by Jaxx

"Alright, we split up then, I will mark traps along our backs. Simple things to hopefully inconvenience and raise an alarm. That leaves you to secure the area around our path, you heard t ...

To Trap a Savage

Feb 8, 2022, 9:12pm by LucianNepreen

So. Fortifications. You two…” nodding at Tarmen and Hunter “…can set up traps as Tarmen suggested, get an idea of our immediate surroundings while you’re at it. Leave the ...

Home in the clearing.

Feb 7, 2022, 10:48pm by Zeeke

Time: Late Afternoon Location: In a clearing, In the Woods, Ostiarum Wim managed to get the work done fairly quickly. He made sure that both of his bosses had the impression that he was ...

Bad Apples

Feb 7, 2022, 9:53pm by Omni

Time stamp: Sentinel Island Camp "Is it true?" Till blurted out before he could stop himself. "That the natives practice magik and offend the gods?" "If you are referring to the ...


Feb 7, 2022, 12:55pm by Winteroak

Timestamp: Sentinel Island - River camp Till was relieved when the swordswoman Alexis asked him to stay behind. She obviously knew that sailors looked at wrecks as bad omens. He no ...

Warding Camp

Feb 7, 2022, 11:56am by Omni

Time stamp: Sentinel Island Camp Stepping through the damp jungle, Voah watched the leaders of the group, copying their movements and making sure to tread lightly. When she realize ...

Unexpected Arrival

Feb 7, 2022, 10:30am by Cindy

Islana was trying to figure out the best way to transport the object she had found in the trees so it would remain intact when Hendrick appeared from the pit of bodies. When Jiyn asked if ...


Feb 7, 2022, 9:58am by Winteroak

Timestamp: Ostiarium Forests - late afternoon Hendrik grunted has he pulled himself out of the ditch. He was sure now that there were more than 4 bodies. Two of them belonging to ...

Getting started

Feb 7, 2022, 1:45am by Bandorchu

When everyone had a grip on their respective luggage, Alexis began to lead her small troupe into the jungle, following Tarmen’s markings. She took her time, giving her scout some leeway ...

The morning after…

Feb 6, 2022, 9:34pm by Zeeke

Wim rubbed his head and eyes. Still thinking about what he had experienced. Did he encounter the god or was this a bad effect from the vial. He had done what he was suppose to for the gods. ...


Feb 5, 2022, 7:26pm by Winteroak

Timestamp: Ostiarium forests. Jiyn looked at Islana and at the strange object in her hands. Looking up at the trees he now could clearly see dozens of such objects nestled in branc ...

Mysterious Object

Feb 5, 2022, 4:18pm by Cindy

Looking around from the top of trees everything looked like the dead that comes with winter. Islana quickly spotted what it was she was looking for, carefully she took the object and quic ...

Showing posts 2536 - 2550 of 2814