The morning after…

Wim rubbed his head and eyes. Still thinking about what he had experienced. Did he encounter the god or was this a bad effect from the vial. He had done what he was suppose to for the gods. He paid them honor at the required time and they tormented him now with images of his parents.

He sat on the edge of his mat and wrote out the vision. Orestes was an ass, that did not make the paper. He had not been out gambling or drinking for now almost two months now. He also made some books that Wolf and the other scholars might buy. He had also been learning about building walls, fixing roofs and starting to learn about brewing. Heck, he even learned some about the natives and made a game. Orestes was an ass! He even made people he did not know smile and laugh.

“~ Tend to thy body as a beautiful garden, a sturdy tree, and a fertile field, for it brings all the fruits and pleasures of life. Till thy earth, entice thy lover, nurture thy child, reap thy harvest.~” was what Hoi said.

He was okay with being seduced by a goddess. Though he was a bit worried when it came to the nurture your child part. He was living in a rat hole that the wind use to blow through. “Take that Orestes, I fixed my own walls to keep the wind and the rain out,” Wim shouted. That made his head hurt.

Thinking back to Hoi, he thought, “I am not ready to be a father.”
Well she did not say get married so there was some wiggle room. He still liked to have some wiggle room when dealing with the gods. The woman he had been with since he arrived, if they conceived, the child would be better off being bastards in the Duke’s house than having his name.

Then there was the whisper in the shadows. It pulled at him not like Hoi or Orestes, It was primitive and pulled to the very center of him. The trees were calling to him and he wanted to go.

He lay back to hear a familiar banging on his door.
“Enter,” he said with his head pounding like the door.
The old man brought a basket with food and looked at Wim shaking his head and giving a snort. It was one of disappointment. he must have looked like he had been on a three day bender. That is what he felt like too.

A brief exchange that basically had Wim running a few errands to get him out of the way. He slowed work down because he wanted to understand the why. Most of the workers started with the why then showed him. It sped things up.

After the errands were done, he went to check with Master Sadir to see if any messages needed to be brought to the logging camp. He would borrow a horse and ride, maybe with a hunter or scout, out to a camp. The voice was calling him and he had to go.

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