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View character profile for: Till

View character profile for: Voah Sahnsuur

View character profile for: Alexis Greyriver

View character profile for: Tarmen Frespit

View character profile for: Hunter

View character profile for: Nicolaus Cagliostro
Going Savage
Posted byPosted: Feb 8, 2022, 10:26pm
"Alright, we split up then, I will mark traps along our backs. Simple things to hopefully inconvenience and raise an alarm. That leaves you to secure the area around our path, you heard the boss, so any traps get triggered along there will be on you."
Looking to the sun, he reckoned it was nearly noon. God's be damned, they were making good time.
"Not sure what kind of check in you are used it, but check in by early sunset. No sign of you by dark, then I hope the natives make your reunion with Zin a pleasant one. Questions?"
Hunter nodded at Tarmen since he had already decided on the most optimal trap to use in this situation. Hunter planned on using the Mace Trap. Mace Traps were different than other traps. Instead of just falling down directly from above, the mace trap could also swing down from different directions and take out everyone in its way. The mace was made in various forms. It could be made as a mortar ball, a spiked mud ball, a wooden box, or most often a spiked log. this made it easy to make in most environments. By using the same materials in the environment it made it easy to camouflage after setting up.
Mace traps were usually very heavy, and a large number of spikes were welded or weaved into it in many directions. It was tied in a tree on the end of a rope, vine or cable and attached to a tripwire of sorts on the enemy pathway. Mace traps functioned as a pendulum destroy the victims from the side while drop maces crushed the victims from below. It usually struck a large number of victims at once. By using the Mace traps along the escape trail, Tarmen and Hunter could trigger them off with a slice of a vine at the right time. This would not only take out the closest attackers, but it would block the next line of attackers coming and create a bottle neck to slow down the attackers. In most places Hunter set up four maces to drop or swing at the same time to cause panic and kill as many natives as he could. To make them even more deadly, Hunter planned to use fecal matter on the spikes from local animals. Since medicine was not very advance among the natives there was a high possibility anyone wounded by these would die of infection later on and that could spread if left unchecked.
Hunter was being very through with this mission since he had a bad feeling with the who mission. So using the vines, large branches and sharp sticks he found he weaved them into several three foot spiked balls that resembled an ugly sea urchin. To make sure the vines did not snap prematurely, Hunter weaved them with other vines he pretested. Then Hunter tied the other end of the vines to a good sized block of wood and hurled it over larger and higher branched to hoist up the maces. Since the 500 meter trail had some twists and turns he adjusted the maces to fall or swing in the best directions to maximize damage to the natives in case of a pursuit. Hunter even set up some trip vines to the sides of the trail to slow down the natives if they spread out.
Hunter felt comfortable working alone again since he enjoyed the silence. Granted he was going to have to kill again, he took solace that the others had to do the same if they wanted to survive. He was morbidly curious who would fight and who would cut and run when the situation became unfavorable. As he worked through the daylight got faster and faster with his technique since it became a pattern for him as he was already planned the angles of impact before he was done making the maces. As for the poison on the spikes, it was not hard to find the fecal matter along the trail since animals like to mark territory all the time. To avoid touching the deadly fecal matter he used a wide branch to scoop and swab the spikes before he hoisted them up into position.
Before Hunter knew it the light was getting dimmer and dimmer as he completed all his traps. Feeling satisfied with his work he made his way back to the camp while covering up his trail. Eventually he arrived at camp to see the pirate and the holy woman. He stopped as he saw the fire they made and wondered it is was still wise to even take that chance. Seeing as he did his job he spoke up softly to them with a mellow tone.
Hunter: Tarem and I set up traps along the trail and off the trail to slow down the natives if they pursue us. Do not leave the trail if they chase us. The traps on the trail have to be manually triggered by me so they won't harm you unless you are randomly cutting vines I tied to the trees. Check with Tarmen in case he did anything different. Oh by the way I could smell your soup way down the trail. I hope the natives don't smell it from where they are.
Hunter then found a tree to perch himself on again to get a birds eye view of danger. After seeing it was clear he used a sash with a quick release knot to tie himself to the branch and enjoyed some dried meat and veggie rations before he relaxed with his eyes open. There was no point in getting comfortable in this place since he might have to fight in the next moment. They say most of your brain shuts down in sleep, all but the primitive side, the animal side. So it was no wonder Hunter still awake, since he was a disciplined animal. Even though he was experimenting with the idea of becoming "human" or gaining humanity, this job made him question the idea. If he became like the others would he become weaker or misguided? These questions kept Hunter's mind rolling as he was breathing so slowly he appeared dead to any bystander. As he looked into the dim lit area he wondered if this would be the day he died. No matter how skilled he was, it was a moot point against overwhelming numbers.