Showing posts 2251 - 2265 of 2814

And so it begins...

Apr 11, 2022, 12:09pm by Winteroak

JP between Cindy and Winteroak Ostiarium The mood in the Keep changed very little in the days after the public execution. In fact it seemed the guards and the soldiers ...

Apothecary Shop - Gallows Day - Wim

Apr 11, 2022, 12:05pm by Strangetides

Wim watched Islana leave and shook his head. She carried some hurt as well. His brother always said, “it was a messed up world” Right before he tortured him. “Master Cagliostro, Ho ...


Apr 10, 2022, 5:19pm by Winteroak

Ostiarium forests This part of the forest was far-reaching, dark, and shadowy. Those few that knew of these things would say that this was the primal forest. The oldest trees cou ...

Remaining duties

Apr 10, 2022, 9:37am by Bandorchu

Alexis stood witness to the execution start to finish. She had been somewhat surprised to see Voah take over, as were the officials. Would have preferred to see her again under different c ...

A Chance To Not Dream

Apr 10, 2022, 8:44am by Cindy

With the hangings over and the crowd dispersing, it made getting back to the Keep fairly easy. Islana, thanks to the potion she had drunk, was clear headed and able to be vigilant. Still, s ...

Ruined Home

Apr 10, 2022, 7:54am by Lorem

JP: Hunter and Gonyaul They trekked another hour after they left the Suncross Square. There weren’t many people visible along the way, most likely still at the festivities in town. Gony ...

A Mending

Apr 9, 2022, 7:34pm by Cindy

JP with Zeeke and Cindy After thanking Nicolas for his help and the potions and paying whatever needed to be paid. The redhead turned around to leave the shop but was caught unprepared u ...

At the Keep

Apr 9, 2022, 5:55pm by Winteroak

JP between Omni and Winteroak Timestamp: Stoneshade Keep As she made her way to the Keep Voah ruminated on how the people would keep on celebrating the rest of the day w ...

Zin’s Orchard Has a Rich Harvest

Apr 9, 2022, 5:13pm by LucianNepreen

Joining the crowd after his meeting with Zane, Tarmen found the sea of bodies annoying. He pushed his way through, sometimes needing an elbow for the more rowdy individuals. He had never en ...

Fail in Translation

Apr 9, 2022, 3:59pm by Lorem

JP with Hunter and Gonyaul: Hunter glanced at Gonyaul as he wiped his face. He could see the emotions Gonyaul was expressing and was taken back that he would care so much about him. It ...

Public Execution

Apr 9, 2022, 2:00pm by Omni

She had seen her fill of executions and played part in some of them, but Voah felt that The Gaunlet was unnecessary, vulgar and excessive. Sure there was a certain amount of fear that the au ...

No Way Out

Apr 9, 2022, 1:01pm by Lorem

Hunter figured it was pointless to hide anymore since to many people knew of his background by now. It was only a matter of time before others knew what he was. It was weird working in the ...

At the limit

Apr 9, 2022, 12:20pm by Bandorchu

Alexis felt something die inside herself over the stretch of the gauntlet. Had she really thought things could be better over the ocean? Naive. Stupid. Clearly, they could be even wo ...

I have guards!

Apr 9, 2022, 10:54am by Zeeke

Wim woke a bit tired, he had spent hours wrestling with his thoughts and demons. Between trying to figure out the game he now found himself in with a possible wife, to thinking he should hav ...

In Need Of An Elixir

Apr 9, 2022, 12:27am by Cindy

JP with Strangetides and Cindy Nicolaus walked in a slow circle studying the orb on its stand. No epiphany had come to him regarding the strange object from the island, his careful experi ...

Showing posts 2251 - 2265 of 2814