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View character profile for: Wim Riese

View character profile for: Voah Sahnsuur

View character profile for: Nicolaus Cagliostro

View character profile for: Islana Annora
Apothecary Shop - Gallows Day - Wim
Wim watched Islana leave and shook his head. She carried some hurt as well.
His brother always said, “it was a messed up world”
Right before he tortured him.
“Master Cagliostro, How goes your research?” Wim asked as he approached the counter. He smiled. This man knew his other secret of taking of the vial not once but twice.
Nicolaus observed the brief interaction of the two visitors as he cleared the worktable and returned the various compounds and supplies to their proper place. There was familiarity there, but a tense undercurrent between the hunter and the lordling. He turned and gave his full attention when he heard the young lord ask after his research.
He gestured to a cluttered worktable filled with glass instruments and a line of variously coloured vials and flasks. "As far as it can without some clue to the final ingredient. There is something else added, something from a plant or beast that is escaping my study." He held up a golden and pink vial to the light. "It is simply honey, for flavour I suspect, sap gathered from certain local trees and that final mystery component."
"The only way for further study is to test the properties by consuming it. But I am reluctant although it appears to create no physical dependance, I find my self wary of outside influence. Perhaps when I know more of its source. But truly, taking it would provide no answers on it's purpose or its ultimate source and makeup regardless. Have you anything to add?"
"It appears to be more in the mind," he said back.
"It stills seems I want to consume it and it makes me sweat. I took a second dose in parts and it just made me sleep," he added.
Nicolaus' bolstered senses detected the scraping of the paper on the stone of the floor and he caught the white shape of a letter slide under the door behind Wim. As the man replied he walked to the door and swept the small folded piece of paper addressed to him in a elegant hand from the floor. He turned and placed it on a small table.
"A craving of the mind. Smaller doses would indeed merely bring sleep, it is a powerful concoction. To take more than what is included in a single vial at once would likely end you."
"Have you ever dreamed and known you dream? When I was a boy I had nightmares, but I realized that beyond the vivid and seemingly real horrors there were clues that proved it didn't make sense, once I realized that I could take control of how things would unfold. It allowed my younger self to deal with and overcoming the fear and distress associated with the nightmares. It also allowed the shaping of dreams in a form of wish fulfillment, which is what Felfar I feel brings to many. Hence a craving of the mind."
"I dreamed about Hoi and Orestes and some unknown God and needing to go to the woods," he replied. (edited)
He pulled out his book where the vision was described and showed them to the Druggest.
Wim smiled at him, he did not believe he wished to be tormented by the god of wisdom. All the god in his opinion were out to torment and torture him in some ways. In his mind it was best to just give them a passing acknowledgment and then move on. Civil religion at best, pay your dues and get on with it. Well, he did enjoy his time with Hoi.
“I am not sure how dreaming about needing go to the woods to listen to talking trees fits in all that? Seemed more like a bit of sour mustard or indigestion,” he said.
Wim noticed the hand writing, feminine and smiled.
“So how do I break the desire to drink another vial. I had two bags of that vial concoction you gave me and I am starting to develop a taste for it,” Wim said wrinkling his nose.
"Interesting, there may be a magic component that I am not qualified to judge, I can only work from a chymical perspective. As to your desire for the concoction, I can try and wean you if you like using a replacement. What do you need to meet the cravings? I can prepare some Radove powder that would be mildly euphoric and supply a sense of confidence. Use as I direct precisely however, over imbibing may lead lead beyond confident to fool hardy. It mixes well with wine."
Wim looked at him and smiled. Confidence was not an issue, fool hardy he had covered.
"What happens if someone uses too much of the vials?" He asked. Not knowing what was in the vials but the thought of something magical did play into his thinking.
Nicolaus began to prepare a tenday Radove supply separated carefully into packets. "That remains to be seen. Let us try this, there are other options if you feel no relief."
After seeing the young lord to the door Nicolaus, absently retrieved the letter and moved to a sunbeam to easily read the contents.
Master Cagliostro, Apothecary
Please excuse the haste lack of formality in this correspondence, presently I am overwhelmed with duties and would like to respond to your message with expediency.
First and foremost, I would like to thank you for the unconditional and excellent medical care you have provided myself and the others in our traveling company.
Secondly, there is no need for embarrassment nor apology for your absence of late as it is well understood that your profession and expertise is highly needed elsewhere.
It is with regret that I meet your request with unwelcome tidings. The secrets of the Sacred Salt of O'kur and magik banishing runes are exclusively learned under the merit of the Holy Office of Inquisition. This information can not be divulged freely to anyone without the proper station and authority.
I do hope you understand the reasoning behind this rejection.
Warmest regards,
Arbiter Voah Sahnsuur
P.S. The rectory looks forward to your enlightenments of the substance known as Felfar.
Well, that is... disappointing.