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View character profile for: Nicolaus Cagliostro

View character profile for: Islana Annora
In Need Of An Elixir
JP with Strangetides and Cindy
Nicolaus walked in a slow circle studying the orb on its stand. No epiphany had come to him regarding the strange object from the island, his careful experimentation running up against the wall of its magik creation.
He rubbed his eyes and added a little white powder from a nearby packet into a small glass. After adding some clear water he stirred it with a glass stick until it dissolved, tapping the stick gently against the side to clear any residue. He picked up the glass and inspected the milky liquid before swallowing the contents in a single gulp.
Slapping the glass to the table, he grabbed the counter to steady himself. His eyes dilated until they seemed black, then slowly refocused. He let out a slow breath, "...Better." He had spent too many late nights topping up his supplies.
The crowd's display towards the prisoners made Islana's heart and stomach sink even more. Backing away from the crowd but still making herself bear witness to the awful display as if the young woman was trying to punish herself for causing this.
The redhead watched the food thrown, the prisoners be attacked, just when her soul felt as if it couldn't take anymore, she still kept watching. That was until the old woman's clothes got torn off. That brief instant, made something flash though Islana's mind, and she felt as if she couldn't breath.
The young woman backed away but quickly found herself bumbing into people due to the size of the crowd. Islana turned around and moved away from the crowd. It was slow going but eventually she had managed to move away from the majority of the crowd. It was at this point, the realization sunk in, even attempting to watch that had been a mistake.
Islana kept walking, until she came to a much less crowded area. There were a few passersby, perhaps, but most were witnessing the spectical at the gallows.
The young woman though just wanted away from there. However, now the guilt that been eating away at her was starting to feel even worse. How could she not even watch what her investigation had caused?
Islana kept walking and suddenly found herself incredibly tired as if all the sleepless nights had picked this very, inopportune moment to catch up with her.
Still walking until the young woman found herself in front of the apothecary. Sleep. Maybe, she could get something to help her with that because it was doubtful that there was any elixir for the rest of what was ailing her.
Trying the door, it opened. Islana stepped inside and glanced around, taking the place in. She had been here before but she had been bit distracted those other times.
Nicolaus' head snapped to the door as a small woman with long hair in a deep rich red stood surveying the room. He took in the pale face, clenched jaw, faint shadows beneath her startlingly green eyes, the nervous tick of her fingers, the dust motes in the sun beam that turned her hair fiery copper as she closed the door... He shook his head focusing, filtering the details - nauseous, sleep deprived, exhausted.
He straightened his tunic "Lady Islana. May I be of service?"
Islana was too tired to take in much of the man before her besides the recognition of someone she has met before.
"Yes, " Her voice sounding strangely small, even to her. The young woman swallowed and spoke again. "I need something to help me sleep."
"Certainly. I have several options that may suffice. This green tea - Augucar will ease you into a slumber. The preparation is part of the relaxation I believe, breathing deeply of it as you drink will clear your head and calm your mind. Or perhaps some Thorvian powder added to a drink, it won't induce sleep but will create a calm, peaceful state, dulling your emotions so you may relax or function without distraction. I also have some Tarnish, which will induce a pleasant state, but do use it sparingly."
Options? Islana wasn't surprised that there were options but her mind was having trouble deciding which one to choose. "I definitely need sleep but do you have one that would, perhaps, allow sleep with no dreams?"
That was an odd request, Islana knew it the moment it had left her mouth. Still, considering the field of the man she was speaking with it might not seem so odd to him.
"If that is what you wish I can produce something that will do so. It will take but a moment." As he gathered various compounds from drawers and began to make powder he glanced at the woman "May I ask how the investigation proceeds, I sent my findings on to the keep, but heard no reply?"
The investigation? How to even answer that? "I'm afraid it might have created more harm than good."
Islana's sleeplessness might have loosened her tongue some and she instantly regretted speaking her mind. "I mean... It is still on going. I did not hear much about your finding."
That was awful back tracking; she knew it. The young huntress figured at this moment just about anything might shoot out of her mouth whether she wanted it to or not.
Nicolaus spoke while continuing to work his mortar and pestle.
"They let the body weaken, didn't care for it, and infection got in. Then they weren't successful in identifying the root cause and completely removing the infection when we had the first outbreak years ago. It returned and now they are loping off flesh hoping to remove it." He paused and sprinkled some purple crumbling leaves over his mixture and began to grind it steadily.
"Which will weaken the body more and speed the process up. They need to identify and isolate the source and target that. Or they will lose the patient."
Nicolaus reached into his pocket and pulled two small stoppered vials from his pouch, vibrant blue and sealed with wax. He held them up without looking up from the worktable. "Two doses of the antidote for the poison used on Jiyn."
It took Islana a moment for her brain to catch up with what she figured he was saying. Normally, that might not have been the case but under her condition currently, it was.
"Maybe, someone should explain that to those that would make the decisions for such things." The name Sir Zane or the title Duke wasn't about to leave her lips, even in this state, but they probably didn't have to.
When the vials were presented; Islana just stared at them for a moment. She felt a tears well up in her eyes. "I know everything was done to save him. His death is on me."
Maybe she should just stop talking, until, she got some sleep at least.
Nicolaus glanced at the woman, "Here, drink this, it will keep you clear headed for a hour or so and give you some energy to get home safely." He handed a small glass beaker with a thick deep blue liquid. "And certainly not your fault. Though I have to ask why such a thing was done. The secrecy was broken, the activity you mentioned pointed to a assurance, a confidence. Where is that coming from? What changed or is changing."
He began to pour the compound into little packets, enough for a tenday. "Test the amount, as this will put you into a dreamless, very deep sleep and you may be out longer than intended; you will be difficult to awake as well. I would take a half a packet and slowly increase the amount to get the required length of rest you need."
He placed the collection of little packets into a bag and pulled the drawstring tight. "Also when I remarked upon a infection, I was not speaking of this little cult. It is merely a symptom, the Felfar is too widespread for a small cult looking for converts. It is opening a way people believe allows contact with gods, any gods the users I have spoken to or treated say. This is something else."
"I wish I had more answers. I am not convinced anything was really stopped so much as possibly postponed." Islana took the blue liquid and drank it.
She listened to his instructions and then what he said after. The man certainly did raise some very good points. "It does almost sound like something someone might use to get people to their side. The idea that one could talk to a god is tempting to many, I'm sure. If people are disheartened by the current system, a push, like that could send them over to the other side.". Which would be useful if the goal was to get bodies to fight in war.
"Or sow discord." He looked pointedly out the window towards the gallows.
The young woman could only nod at that. It wasn't something she had considered before but it was likely the case.
"We have a Arbiter here, albeit a relatively kind and level headed one. If the Inquisition were to hear of a heresy like that? I suspect, a very swift hammer-like response would follow. But to create chaos here? This seems a very good way forward to me." Nicolaus snapped out of his musings and did a polite gesture of his hand and a slight bow. "Regardless we shall soon see what is the case. Keep the antidote on you person... always. Now, Milady, please do not let my theories keep you from your rest, I suspect there will be ample need for your skills in the coming days."