Showing posts 2191 - 2205 of 2814

Steps Forward

Apr 18, 2022, 5:28pm by Cindy

It was really like a gift to him. So, Islana sat next to him. Took a breath and started to speak. She told him about her mother dying in childbirth with her, her father's drinking, br ...

New Beginnings

Apr 18, 2022, 5:17pm by Cindy

JP with Lorem and Cindy Islana wanted to get the flower moved before it could be trampled on. There was something pulling on her that it was very important. The young woman looked ...

And then Gonyaul said...

Apr 18, 2022, 3:04pm by Lorem

Gonyaul was instructed to remain at the Keep and so he obliged that request. The Keep had turned into a familiar place as of late and in all honesty a vacation resort from his normal lifesty ...

Cagliostros’ Apothecary – Cellar – Retrospection and Anatomy

Apr 18, 2022, 1:51pm by Strangetides

Nicolaus carefully exposed more of his subject and adjusted the placement of the lighting to eliminate shadows. He wiped his hands on a scrap of cloth and adjusted the lenses perched on his ...

Pre reception

Apr 18, 2022, 12:59pm by Zeeke

Wim brought a wagon and a few men to help him recover the bodies of the foresters and the woman and bring them back to town. In the graveyard Wim found spots that the were marked by the sext ...

A Break In The Bleak

Apr 18, 2022, 11:37am by Cindy

As predicted Islana recovery physically was going fairly well. The bump on her head would take several more days to go away completely but after she got to eat and drink her strength was res ...

A gift for the dead

Apr 18, 2022, 10:57am by Bandorchu

It was a sorely missed experience to wake up somewhat rested. Alexis spent a moment to check her minor wound, satisfied to find it healing well. Now, it seemed like she had a free day o ...

Bitter Ending

Apr 18, 2022, 10:55am by Jaxx

Timestamp: Two days before the audience with the Duke JP with Arbiter Voah Sansuur and Jaxx After Voah woke Hunter up by tapping his foot his eyes opened and looked around before moving. ...

The day after

Apr 18, 2022, 9:24am by Winteroak

Timestamp: Ostiarium - Stoneshade Keep A few hours after the group started to make their way back to the city they ran across a squad of soldiers that had been dispatched from the ...


Apr 18, 2022, 8:39am by Zeeke

Wim’s dreams were, like Wim scattered and wild. Everything from being hunted by the cult forever, to building an outpost here and having people start to cut farms into the plains, to him b ...

A Man of Tragedy

Apr 17, 2022, 10:44pm by Omni

When she was sure that the others were ok, Voah turned away to check the clearing. Hunter had done an efficient job of removing the dispersed bodies and piling them and collecting evidence. ...

The let down

Apr 17, 2022, 7:24pm by Zeeke

Wim did not go far from the grove and sat down with his back against a tree. He tilted his head back and closed his eyes. They had won and they were alive. This fight had cost them. No ...

Winding Down

Apr 17, 2022, 5:55pm by Lorem

JP with Alexis, Islana, Wim, Hunter, Voah and Gonyaul. Voah looked around, disgusted at the carnage. It was gruesome, but necessary. Right? And there was unfortunately still more that ha ...

The Wrong Sacrifice

Apr 17, 2022, 5:52pm by LucianNepreen

Tarmen found the night air a tad too chilly for his taste, having grown in a hothouse the dry winter air had never agreed with him. He would have found it interesting that a god from Kru’l ...


Apr 17, 2022, 3:18pm by Bandorchu

Jp with Lorem, Cindy and Bandorchu Ostiarium forest sacrificial grounds Gonyaul saw two boots near him and tilted his head up to see Wim. He smiled lazily, it was good Wim had succeeded ...

Showing posts 2191 - 2205 of 2814