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View character profile for: Sir Eudon Zane

View character profile for: Voah Sahnsuur

View character profile for: Hunter
Bitter Ending
Posted byPosted: Apr 18, 2022, 10:55am
Timestamp: Two days before the audience with the Duke
JP with Arbiter Voah Sansuur and Jaxx
After Voah woke Hunter up by tapping his foot his eyes opened and looked around before moving. He quickly recalled the events of the night before and saw his dead lover by his side. He turned to see Voah with a concerned look on her face. He knew she recognized his dead lover and she was going to get involved whether he approved or not since it was Creed related. After sitting up he pulled out a water skin and drank from then tossed it to Voah as he got up. He dusted himself off before he spoke up in a raspy voice, "I plan to take to take Nora's body to her sister for a proper burial. I will tell Cora that Nora's death was caused by the Creed. Then I will stay with her or leave her based on her wishes." Hunter looked worn out as he carried a huge emotional burden on his shoulders. Then he asked, "did we need to do anything before leaving? I prepped the bodies for burning and collected their belongings for evidence for you."
Voah shook her head. This whole thing was like bitter medicine. It would be good in the end right now it was hard to swallow.
"I'm truly sorry for your loss, Hunter. You know what I have to do about this."
She was speaking of course about questioning Cora, the surviving twin to determine her involvement with the creed.
The walk to the twin's shack walk a long and bitter one for Hunter. As soon as he was in a hundred feet away Cora came out out to greet Hunter but quickly covered her mouth as she realized he was carrying Nora in his arms and the Arbiter was by his side. Her stomach sank as she looked at the pain in Hunter's eyes and the motionless sister in his arms. She was filled with to many emotions as she asked, "how?" Hunter told her that Nora's death was caused by the a cult and he brought her back for a proper burial. He did this on purpose to let Voah see her reactions. Based on her response they would know if Cora was involved with the Creed or not.
After letting Cora cry for her sister he said he was going to dig the plot in the back an prepare a marker with Nora's name on it. Hunter then left the three alone as he took a shovel from the shack and began digging behind the shack where it was not in the way. Each scoop he took felt like a punch to his gut, but he endured it as he emptied his mind so he could continue to work.
Voah joined Cora inside her home and, according to her duty, questioned her as to her involvement and her sister's involvement in the creed. Clearly, distraught and terrified for her life, Cora prayed aloud to Kupen and begged Voah for mercy. It was pretty clear from her demeanor since their arrival, that Cora was unaware of any involvement though she had noticed her sister was more secretive lately.
The Arbiter pardoned the woman and calmed her down but gave her a strict warning that if she did not wish to remain under suspicion that she should be very public about condemning the creed and she should visit the shrine as often as possible. Voah said a prayer to Zin to show mercy on the sister who had fallen from their guidance and urged Cora to do the same.
Hunter eventually finished up the burial plot and came back to carry Nora to the back. Cora was weeping still as Hunter put Nora in the ground. Voah then performed the last rites for Nora before Hunter buried Nora forever. It was a sad day as they stared at the looked at the wooden Marker with Nora's name on it.
Once they were done they made their way back to the shack and as Hunter was talking to Voah they saw a messenger from Sir Zane approaching. They were then escorted to Sir Zane as Cora cried her self in bed. Once at the Keep Sir Zane informed them that in two days Duke Stoneshade himself will see them at a formal audience in the Keep. As they left the presence of the Knight they cannot but wonder what the future holds in store for them. Then Hunter headed back to the shack to console Cora with some food, tea and a lot of hugging.