Characters in this post

View character profile for: Wim Riese

View character profile for: Voah Sahnsuur

View character profile for: Alexis Greyriver

View character profile for: Hunter

View character profile for: Islana Annora

View character profile for: Gonyaul'vaux
Winding Down
JP with Alexis, Islana, Wim, Hunter, Voah and Gonyaul.
Voah looked around, disgusted at the carnage. It was gruesome, but necessary. Right? And there was unfortunately still more that had fled, which meant her hunt for the creed wasn’t over.
She continued to scan the area for the remaining presence of any other crews members hiding and when she found none, she returned to the clearing. She found her tri-corner hat and dusted it off.
She gave a nod of respect and acknowledgement to Alexis Greyriver who was trying her best to care for the traumatized girl.
When Voah found Hunter, he was curled next to the body of one of the cultists. Voah saw the platinum hair and sighed. ‘Oh no.’ She let the man rest, understanding his pain and exhaustion.
Gonyaul’s rise was less glorious. He tried, but after feeling unsettled, he resorted rolling onto his hands and knees and crawling over to a bowl that looked to contain fruit. He was off to the side of the main action, and wasn’t drawing attention.
Out of the selection he found an apple. He didn’t even bother to stand, he stayed on the ground and eagerly bit through the skin. The explosion on his taste buds was instant and he felt like an boost of energy was surging back thanks to the natural sugars.
He was lost for the moment in the experience of enjoying a meal that his stomach had been demanding. The fog in his head and fatigue in his limbs lifting with each bite.
Gonyaul devoured the apple, making short work of it down to its core. He fished out the seeds and placed them inside a hem of his Arisha Ikeburer for later. Perhaps he could try growing an apple tree in the near future. A symbol as well, taking this horrible night of so much loss and nurture something that would bring forth life; a memorial that evil ultimately will not win when good decides to act.
Only a little shaky now, he stood to his feet and made his way over to Islana and Alexis. He smiled and just kept going right past their personal space, drawing them both into a big group hug. He was physically tired, his hug wasn’t as strong as it would have been, but overcome with joy that they made it.
“O in-ir-omot iki etet ometot hsonatīused.”
Perhaps it wasn’t the best timing or the best place, but his innocent expression of affection didn’t want to wait any longer. His vulnerability just felt like it was time to break the ice back to what mattered. That they cared enough to be there for one another despite any differences, histories, and uncertainties.
After a bit of drinking, not enough to make him stumbling drunk or passing out drunk. But enough to ease his couscous for a few moments.
Wim got up and got some cheese, dried meats, and bread. After eating a bit, he went and retrieved his knives and dragged the body of his kill to the pile.
Then he turned and started a slow walk out of the grove.
After standing a taking a few steps, the redhead looked up to see Gonyaul headed straight for them. Before Islana could react, she felt herself being pulled into a hug.
Islana and hugs weren't common, only because touching usually caused her to flinch. But something had been slowly happening. First with Jiyn, then Alexis, now Gonyaul. Touching had become significantly less scary to her. Besides, Gonyaul was definitely trusted.
So, there wasn't flinching from her. Instead there was just a hug from Gonyaul and a gratefulness from her, that they had come for her, which the young woman couldn't express.
Alexis just sighed with a smile, but reciprocated with one arm.
“Thank you. Couldn’t have done anything without you.”
Voah sighed and slowly approached the group of friends in silence with a sour commiserating smile. She had so many questions and she had very few words of encouragement. It was strange how the strands of fate had somehow brought this group together. She would need a full report from each one of them, especially Alexis to understand the circumstances of how all of this came about and why the Arbiter was again excluded from the plan to stop this cult. But after this night, how could she start that conversation. She herself was exhausted in need of a good rest. The details would have to wait.
Thoughts of duty were pushed aside, seeing the sad smiles of Gonyaul, Alexis and this mysterious “red child”.
It was heartwarming to see people caring for each other, but tragic.
She felt the only reasonable thing to say was, “Is anyone hurt?”