Under the same sky
Jul 22, 2022, 8:59am
Alexis walked towards the small stable that held her horse in a brisk pace. She could hear Tar following, not that she had truly believed the man would stay behind at the Hare. She doubted h ...
Meeting The Bonecaster
Jul 21, 2022, 7:30pm
“The emissary said they had spies looking into Ostiarium. Told them it’d be in vain, but why would the righteous pricks listen to anyone else?” Shalia hissed mostly to herself as she p ...
Small Steps Toward Home
Jul 21, 2022, 5:04pm
JP with Omni and Lorem
Gonyaul and Voah followed after the traveling convoy. True to their word, several miles later the nomads had stopped and looked to begin setting up a tempora ...
Assessing The Travelers
Jul 21, 2022, 5:03pm
JP with Omni, Lorem, and Winteroak
When they had caught up to the convoy, but still at a distance, Gonyaul excused himself from Voah and rode on ahead alone. He assessed these peop ...
A Plan is Born
Jul 20, 2022, 5:26pm
Jp between Bandorchu and Lucian
Tarmen had to give credit to her, he hadn’t even thought that deep into the consequences. He was always used to burning the bridge as he went, but this tim ...
An Escalating Situation
Jul 20, 2022, 3:55pm
JP with Cindy and White_Caribou
If her day already hadn't gone to shit, it was about to get worse.
Shalia entered the room which was strangely unguarded and with the door wide open. Th ...
Empire of Salos
Jul 20, 2022, 3:35pm
A History of Helias Compendium - EoS
Orb began as an small settlement, beside the River Salos in the Northwest of Helias. The settlement grew into the city and came to control ...
Jul 20, 2022, 2:54pm
Bootlegger's Pier
The messenger knelt in front of The Purger, in the dimness of the man's simple tent. The brother of the Silent Flock started to relay what had happened, si ...
Voah’s Transformation
Jul 19, 2022, 5:24pm
JP with Omni and Lorem:
Voah expressed her interest and trepidation about approaching the travelers on the plains. If they were going to show themselves, she would have to do something ab ...
Jul 19, 2022, 2:58pm
JP with Omni and Lorem:
There was no hiding her obvious elation of Gonyaul's proposal. They were engaged to be wed, but there was a lot to talk about before rushing into things. Th ...
Planning phase
Jul 19, 2022, 2:49pm
JP with Lucian, Winteroak and Bandorchu
Tar looked at Alexis.
"It's a gift from the Friar. One of the most important and influential people in the settlement." He started slowly trying ...
Jul 19, 2022, 1:02pm
Foothills of Southern Fang
Voah and Gonyaul - A few days after leaving the Red Hand tribe and defecting from the Inquisition you come across a strange sight. A caravan of a ...
The Pains of Diplomacy
Jul 19, 2022, 12:43pm
Amrat Caravanserai
Shalia - You leave your meeting with the emissary's final words ringing in your ears and flushed with frustration.
'If the Helians are such a danger ...