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View character profile for: Voah Sahnsuur

View character profile for: Gonyaul'vaux
The Marriage Proposal
JP with Omni and Lorem:
Voah’s thoughts weren’t far off from what he had described, she just needed more clarity. It was an interesting concept. The mark seemed to be a virtue, a filter through which to fulfill kagim. As he had said before, so that it flows.
“I think I understand now… but can you teach me kagim? Can I choose a mark?”
Gonyaul was surprised by her request. No one had ever asked that before. He knew the ceremony, he knew the teachings, and the marks. If he did it, it would be an improvised version of the official one he experienced back home, but … yes … he could do it.
But there was the issue of her not being a Vaux. The Elders would frown upon him granting her request. Teach her about their ways, absolutely, but to identify her as a Vaux … was that allowed?
His creative mind suddenly thought of a loop hole. Through marriage they become one, thus she would be Vaux as much as he is Vaux. Then it would be permissible. Of course he was overlooking the fact that Vaux had only married Vaux; but he was a pioneer.
“Much like to teach you. To choose mark I think Elders say must become Vaux?” He smiled encouragingly. Gonyaul also was thinking she meant more than just getting a tattoo, but that she wanted to have kagim flow through her.
Voah’s eyebrows wrinkled very briefly in confusion. What did he mean? Become a Vaux? Could one become a V… Oh! That could mean only one thing.
“You mean…”
She bit her lip coyly, looking at him from the corner of her eye.
Gonyaul nodded with a blush, looking away as well before looking back. Yes, that was exactly what he meant. The thought of it actually happening sent a tingle racing from his thoughts to dance with the rest of his body. He shifted on Amu to get more comfortable.
“Tis great mystery. Two become one.”
He did his best to ride Amu next to Litany, fortunately the two horses enjoyed moving side by side. He reached out and took Voah’s hand.
“When first met you I envy air which tasted you at its leisure, sun that bathe you in warmth and light your path, and rain that kiss and explore down body. I was also scared, this fox would hunt this rabbit. You amazing and frightening at the same time.” He laughed coyly.
“As grow deeper in knowing you I am inspired to draw forever close. I promise love you, pursue and protect oneness, to seek and grant forgiveness, to die to selfish daily. I will respect and support you with all I have offer in good and bad. I strive to delight your body, mind and soul. To build a future and home. Always will be true to you.”
“Will you have me Voah Sansuur?” They had expressed it so many time before. In teasing, in dance, in practical matters, and more. Yet now he was asking officially.
In truth, he had been practicing his proposal over and over again the last couple of days during meditation times; however, he still found himself nervous. His heart was racing faster than a gallop, even though their riding had come to a stop.
She accidentally slowed down Litany to a stop by tightening the reigns.
By the Pillars! Was this happening?! Voah lost her breath from the passionate vows that spouted forth from Gonyaul’s mouth like a refreshing summer rain.
Voah felt ashamed and disheartened, thinking how she had already experienced the secrets of two adults becoming one.
But it was almost unheard of for any Aspect of Hoi to be a virgin. Till the earth meant preparing for seed, after all. And it was widely believed that the more it was done and the more pleasure involved, the more fertile and better chance of conception. Sex before marriage was not a sin for them, in fact, there was a place in the shrine city Hoi where the holy men and women dedicated their lives to pleasure or pregnancy and nursing. Their children were highly regarded as blessed by Hoi. There were also the largest orphanages anywhere in Mizar that took in only the children from outside of Hoi. No man or woman within the shrine city of the Fertile Mother dared abandon their child. They could be exiled or imprisoned as punishment for that atrocity.
Voah was guilty of breaking the bonds of Lord and Lady Griison’s marriage. That was a sin, thankfully it was in Vastad and word hadn’t spread, as far as she knew.
That was a lifetime ago and her thoughts were no longer concerned with him. Now it was Gonyaul she wanted. But how could he want such an unstable and capricious person like her? She had already hurt him one and turned her back on the Inquisition. Voah wondered if she could ever live up to his Vauxian standards, or the perfection of Tiponi.
With all of her thoughts of inadequacy starting to sprout up again, Voah imagined her mind as a garden and Gonyaul weeding them out with dirt covered hands.
She adored him. None of the worry even had time to show up on her face as it was there and gone in less than a second.
“Yes!“ she beamed with delight and longing. “Much yes!” she laughed.
“The Fox always gets what she wants”
Voah leaned over, half way out of the saddle and they supported each other from falling as they kissed, putting a preliminary seal on the promise. Tears of joy leaked from the corners if her eyes.
Gonyaul’s smile made the sun shield its eyes. His countenance sparkled with excitement. The nervous pounding in his chest turned into a fanfare of celebration.
Gonyaul may very well have been the first Vaux to ever choose his marriage partner. It was custom for his people to have them arranged. He could see the Elders disapproving of his methods and choice; however, couldn’t hear them over the concert in his heart playing to the encore of their kiss.
Amu was considering moving away and causing the Vaux to fall. That would be a downright embarrassing moment. Yet, Litany saved the day with a very timely look to her persnickety friend. Apparently, Litany now had two more to look after.
Gonyaul needed a break from riding. He felt like he was about to burst with joy and it would be nice to stretch the legs and give the horses a break. He descended down to the ground and then offered a hand to Voah if she wanted to walk with him.
Gonyaul went on to explain in good humor, how technically in his culture, they were already signified as a match because they had performed the engagement dance the night of her natal day. Of course, he knew of it back then; however, he wasn’t going to hold a foreigner to it since she most likely didn’t know what she was taking part in.
He silently stored away his amazement. He had desired her back then while they danced that night; however, he could truly not have imagined that the dream would actually come true later. His relationship with her was unprecedented and the odds of them ever meeting, let alone engaged to marry, where miraculous.