The Shaman and The Twins

Sand Horde - somewhere between Desdem and Aquilo
Joint Post by MDMan and Omni

The next day, the horde advanced another day’s march. The march in itself seemed to go well. The horde had been well rested after a good night of no obligations, except for those who provided guard duty. The march didn’t seem to bother Ch’Truta. Of course, he rode upon M’hana, the black stallion which Islana shad gifted him.

As for Islana, the tea seemed to have aided her. Islana seemed well rest this morning. She rode the Skelep as a queen in her glory, or at least it seemed to Ch’Truta. Ch’Truta had to admit, the tea aided him in rest as well.

Ch’Truta check in with the brood guard he had set up, ensuring they were doing their duty. It was B’hura of the Katara brood that noticed Ch’Truta was not wearing the markings of a brood shaman. When he questioned Ch’Truta, the shaman advised that he was not acting in the capacity of a brood shaman during the march, but as Sister Locust’s advisor.

At three end of the day’s journey, Ch’Truta borrowed an earthen container of sand and one of water. He placed them upon a worked stone, leveled off as an altar. Ch’Truta had used this in the swamp to prepare the potion that would place him in a trance. So, the table was sacred. He placed the container of sand on one side of the altar, the water on the other. He had a small flame from the lip of a lamp burning in the center.

Before the altar, Ch’Truta sat in the lotus position. He focused his eyes upon the elements before him and slowed his breathing. He mediated upon them: Water, symbolic of Yther; Sand, of Viher; Fire, First Sister. In his thoughts he began to seek these entities, reaching out in hope. Closing his eyes, he sought with his very soul to see and hear from them.

A few minutes into the meditation, Ch’Truta realized it wasn’t working. He had used herbs as an incense in the past. He looked and beheld a plant he had gathered for Islana’s sleep tea. Ch’Truta wondered if it had an effect upon one of burned. He placed the plant upon the flame. Its smoke began to lift and Ch’Truta inhaled it. The past faded as Ch’Truta looked to the future. The worries of the present vanished. His mind cleared. Ch’Truta seemed to reach a higher level of consciousness. He attempted a second time, his heart hoping and his mind opened.

The smoke made his eyelids heavy, and he felt as though he was on the edge of sleep. He had to fight the feeling to drift off completely as he focused deeply on the elements presented before him.

The environment around him seemed to pull further and further away until, at last, his perception slingshotted in the opposite direction. His view shifted, and he became smaller as the sand and water became larger, their vessels tipping toward one another and combining to form a landscape before his eyes. It grew into a great desert replete with a peaceful river and a lush oasis.

The abundance of life and the fertile surroundings suggested harmony and prosperity, a hint at Yther’s approval for a union that fosters growth and peace.

Then the vision zoomed in to reveal carrion in the brush and field that was quickly eaten by insects and vultures, thus becoming a source of life for others. The vision gave way to crops growing over the area where the body used to be. The crops shed and other natural occurrences enriched the soil.

The resilience of the vegetation and the endurance of life in harsh conditions symbolized Viher’s silent support, indicating strength and resilience in the face of challenges.

Once again the vision rapidly changed. A spear broke the surface of the oasis, catching a fish on its forked tip, the fish was exchanged to hands. Fruit plucked from plant to basket to mouth. Darkness came, and the silhouette of men and women armed with spears guarding others with children from giant insects and snakes of fire.

Finally, the vision faded to black and his eyes that he couldn’t remember closing, reopened to reveal the herbs reduced to cinder as the last bit of smoke snuffed out. The original sand and water remained separate and unspoiled.


The visions, though silent and without direct communication from the Twins, overwhelmed Ch’Truta with a sense of affirmation. His intentions aligned with the natural order and the will of the Twin Gods, indicating that his desire to protect and guide Sister Locust was supported by the balance of life and death.

Ch’Truta’s body was already relaxed, the effects of the smoldering plant. His felt as though he were floating, drifting upon the billowing clouds as the sun was rising upon life.

But the sun wasn’t rising, it was setting. Yet, Ch’Truta had a light within him. A light to guide him the rest of his days. The light of his love for Islana.

He quietly thanked the Twins. They were merciful, and Ch’Truta was right. The vision of blessing proved that he and Islana were on the correct path. As long as Ch’Trita supported her calling as best he could, and protect her so she could serve the gods as long as she could, they had the Twins blessing.

Finally, Ch’Truta sighed. It was a happy sigh, a sigh that their love was valid with the gods.

Ch’Truta ensured that the plant was no longer smoldering before heading to Sister Locust’s tent. He was indeed a happy man.

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