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View character profile for: Islana Annora

View character profile for: Chatruta of the Chulla Brood
Sleepy Time Tea
JP with mdman and Cindy
Ch’Truta returned to Islana’s tent. Much was on his mind. The Sisters shutting down their bonding. The talk with Aguzul. Attempting to reach out to the Twins or the first sister in the near future. He wanted to do all he could do to assist Islana. Ch’Truta let one of the guards announce him, then waited. He wanted to be sure she was ready for him to return.
Islana gave a nod, when the guard announced Ch’Truta. "Let him in."
The guard, bowed, went back outside and told Ch’Truta that the Sister would see him now. He then held back a flap so Ch’Truta could enter.
Islana gave the man from the swamp a brief gentle smile, she walked over and took his hand, then kissed him. "I love you, so much." She wanted to just take in the moment with him.
Ch’Truta smiled, leaning into her, his face a mere inch from hers.
“I know, U’Tani,” he softly replied. “My love for you shall never cease. I have talked with Aguzul. I will attempt to reach out to the Twins. Perhaps they will lead me as the spirits had. Perhaps, they will see me as willing to serve. Perhaps they will extend their blessing.”
"We can hope. I do not think without the Twins direct blessing the Sisters will allow the bonding." Islana sighed, clearly it had been a long night and she looked tired.
Some tea was brought in and put at the table, before Islana spoke again. "I had them make the tea from the plant you retrieved earlier." Despite how tired she was, Islana didn't know how possible sleep would be without it. Just too many things running through her mind.
“Let us not worry about it tonight,” Ch’Truta encouraged, seeing the worry upon Islana’s face. The poor girl had much more on her mind than Ch’Truta did.
He gently caressed her lopsided with his, tasting of their sweetness. Holding her tight to himself, he further encouraged, “I will not give up. I will continue to entreat the Twins for their blessing upon us.”
"Yes," she clung to him for several moments, then. "We should have the tea before it gets cold."
Once Ch’Truta cleared the tea for her, Islana sipped it. The flavor of tea was strong, a little bitter even with the honey but not bad. "Did the healer say if the plant used to make the tea flowers in the summer?”
Ch’Truta thought back to the meeting with the older woman. Even though it was earlier the same day, it seemed an eternity ago. A lot had happened since then.
As he thought, the crickets outside the tent chirped and the clear call of a nightingale sounded. It was then the memory came to Ch’Truta.
“Yes,” he answered. “She said to be certain to harvest it after it flowers and before the winter sets in.”
He sipped at the tea. It was better than that made with the swamp water.
"Where I am from, there is something similar with little purple flowers. The tea is used for a variety of medicinal reasons, the tea tastes similar to this." Islana explained, it would be a side note if it was the same plant. "My sister used to cover the taste with honey and the juice from apples and raspberries." The weariness showing, in her voice and the yawn which came immediately after. "This does appear to be some strong tea." Though it was likely, the tea and the very long day it had been.
She stood and gave Ch’Truta another kiss. "I think I should lay down now. Just come to bed when you are ready. Goodnight, Hamia." It didn't take much time before she was in bed and asleep.
Ch’Truta finished the tea. He was half tempted to try and seek the Twins this evening. He realized though, his place was next to the one to whom he was bonded, even though an official ceremony had not occurred.
He would seek the gods at their next stop. He would try to see what the gods intended of them.
Ch’Truta was much bigger than Islana, so the effects of the tea took longer. Soon, he lay beside her, placed an arm about her, and snuggled in against her back. No, the sisters would not separate them from so great a love as this.