The Wards

Zar'Tir aka Haven - Sentinel Island
JP with Lorem and Omni

Not long after, Draza was waiting for Gonyaul, Ylja, Eshaiah, and Jorveth by a large wooden gate that marked the threshold between the village edge and a climb into the untamed jungle. She stood tall and imposing, her gear ready for the trek, a blade hanging by her side. Her expression was serious, as always. An athletic man stood with her, another Vorlokur, watching Gonyaul with a reserved scrutiny as he approached.

“Keep close, and stay alert,” Draza ordered over her shoulder as they trudged up the ascent. “As you may know, Vaux, the jungle is generous, but it does not suffer fools. And this is not Kru’ll.”

Indeed, venturing forth into the jungle was a beautiful, yet perilous thing. They were all, including Gonyaul, equipped with walking sticks and a variety of sacks or baskets to carry their findings.

Already the jungle was closing around them and bombarding the senses with bright flowers, broad green leaves, dappled sunlight, the smell of wet and humid earth, and the sounds of birds and insects calling.

“This is Heegen, if he gives you an order, you’d do well to obey him.”

The man signed a greeting in Vauxian but remained silent with a stern or calculating expression.

Gonyaul followed his assigned escorts to the village edge. He paused initially when he saw Draza initially from a distance. His mind was playing tricks with him and he thought it was Voah and Tarmen until reality embraced his sense of sight. Having to keep his feeling to himself, he doubled his pace to catch back up with the others. As they neared, he slowed like a fawn entering a thicken under the scrutinizing gaze of the impressive Heegen.

He listened carefully to the instructions and warnings. He knew how dangerous a jungle could be, and that was referring to one he knew. An unknown jungle presented even more uncertainty of survival. Though he was certain there would be many similarities, the differences would be extremely significant.

Gonyaul nodded and gave Heegen a respectful Vauxian greeting. He offered the man a genuine and friendly smile, but did not get one in return.

Gonyaul threaded his walking stick through the baskets they gave him and shouldered the stick across his shoulders. He was ready to venture forth and awaited the Vorloklur’s lead.

Once the group reached the apex of the slope stairway, they found themselves as high as the cliffs encircling the cove. Venturing into the jungle, the guides remained vigilant. It was a beautiful vista to behold.

Gonyaul was captivated by the novel sights, sounds, and scents of the Sentinel jungle. His senses were bombarded with the vibrant colors of flowering vines, the sudden flutters of hidden fauna, and the rich, familiar earthy aroma of damp foliage. About 200 meters inland from the cliffs, while he admired a brilliantly colored bird with multi-toned plumage and a high crest flitting from branch to branch, he accidentally bumped into a hard stone column engraved with runes.

Heegen quickly pulled Gonyaul aside with a protective hand against the column and gave him a silent, stern warning. He signed something in Vauxian that meant "shield" or "ward," then traced a line from the column into the jungle in one direction, where Gonyaul noticed another column shrouded in vines and lichen about 20 meters away. Heegen then pointed back in the opposite direction into the jungle. Although Gonyaul couldn't see another column there, it was implied that these were part of some sort of barrier.

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