The Shaman and the Priest

Amastan, Aguzul and Izdärasen had busied themselves with packing up the mantle. When Ch’Truta was seen walking back from Islana's tent. The three of them, in that unspoken language of looks they seemed to share, glanced at each other..

Aguzul, put down the cloth he was folding and walked over to Ch'Truta. "Come walk with me. There are clearly things that need to be discussed. Possibly, questions you have. I will try to answer as best I can."

The look upon Ch’Truta’s face said it all. The look seemed to say, You think? and, You are damned right I have questions, all at the same time.

The truth was, if all the sisters were in front of Ch’Truta at the moment, he’d have slain them himself. He would have pulled his sacred dagger and filleted every one of them.

He silently shook his head, trying to grasp all that happened. He didn’t understand. Islana was serving the Twins; why wouldn’t they allow her this blessing. He had chosen to seek the gods she had. This is how how the gods treated mankind. Ch’Truta expected death to be better than serving a non-gracious god.

He walked with Aguzul, still shaking his head. “She had been faithful in carrying out the Twins’ wishes,” he began to think aloud. “I have chosen to seek their plans myself. Yet, they cannot allow us to be blessed? I realize that we should be thankful for our lives in themselves. I am certain they could take it from us at any time. But why can we not do what brings us joy? Why should we serve gods so cruel?”

He realized he was rambling. Certainly, Aguzul did not mean for him to just pour out everything at once. So, Ch’Truta became silent and awaited an answer.

There was an understanding of the frustration that Ch’Truta must have felt, by Aguzul. So, the water priest just let the man vent as needed.

"If I had known the Sisters would stop the ritual, I would have told you both that. There is nothing recorded of another Sister attempting to be bound, after descending to the mantle. This could be why, but I can not be certain. It's just as likely none have tried." Aguzul paused. "Much of what you ask I can only guess at."

Aguzul walked some more with Ch'Truta, allowing his thoughts to become more organized. "It might not be the Twins doing this. It might just be the Sisters. The Twins control much of life among the believers but they don't usually control the believer themselves. I do not know that they would concern themselves with this particular issue, even with it dealing with Sister Locust." He thought for a few more moments. "The Sisters that were bounded before the calling all wrote of their husbands and children, if they had any, becoming their main priority before the calling took hold of them. It is very much a long standing way of life. Sister Locust needs to put the Twins and the Ozanine as her first priority. It is possible the Sisters do not believe that any Sister Locust can be fully dedicated if she also must be dedicated to a mate, and possibly children, in the future."


Ch’Truta and Islana hadn’t even discussed children yet. Sure, possibly in the future. But now, they were content with just each other.

If Ch’Truta were to become a servant of the Twins, he would want to serve in somewhat the same capacity that he had Uctilo’rhu. He wasn’t sure they had anything like a shaman. However, Aguzul seemed like the person from whom to seek assistance.

“Aguzul,” he began, “are we certain that this is not just a tradition made by man? For the brood, the shaman was dedicated as so. He had to hear from the spirits for the brood. But a few days ago, the spirits sent a message of blessing to Islana and myself. The spirits approved of the coupling.”

He paused for Azugul to gather thoughts on his question. Then, in sincerity, he continued, “I am not certain how the Twins intend to put a shaman to work. It seems they give Sister Locust the visions. How am I to serve them?”

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