Cruel Trade for The Mantle

It was a remarkably quiet time of night, especially for a group the size of the Horde. Maybe a sound or two in the distance Perhaps a hoot of an owl or the croak of a frog randomly appearing among the light breeze. In summer this area would be filled with crickets but it wasn’t summer instead, it was getting closer to winter every day.

Islana removed the crown of flowers from her head, undid the braid, unwrapping the hair ribbons as she went. She removed her fancier robes putting on more mundane ones to sleep in. All of this done with no real thoughts going through her mind, a numbness going through her very core.

That was until she picked up the crown again, held it in her hand, and let the tears come. If the Sisters would ruin everything, why didn’t they just take over? What were they waiting for? She had fought them but to be honest, she knew the power that rested with those inside of her and it was unlikely the young woman fighting them brought herself back. If it was then one day it wouldn’t be, or would they keep just taking over and then leave her drained?

Islana didn’t want to dive into that deep abyss of feeling sorry for herself, but she couldn’t help but feel this fate wasn’t great, it was cruel. If she lost herself, to be shoved into that deep pit forever - cruel. If they kept taking over weakening her each time - cruel.

A flood of memories was suddenly given to her, memories of what happened at the ceremony after the others had taken over. “A Sister can’t be bonded.” No, that can’t be. Yet, it was. It was what they had said. No wonder there are no records of any Sister being bonded after she took the mantle. Why? Another cruelty? Was there more to it?

“I can do both,” Islana said, with a determined voice. “I can have a husband, and be the leader the Twins chose me to be.”

As if a nail had just been shoved into her head, a sharp pain started at her temple and rang throughout her mind. The words were quite loud inside her mind. “NO SISTER IS BOUNDED. LOYALTY IS TAKEN BY THE TWINS AND THE OZAININE. THREE CANNOT COME FIRST.”

Well, that explained it, the Sisters felt any Sister Locust taking a mate split her loyalties too much. It was still so wrong, and unfair. Everything was always taken away in Arcadia it seemed. Nothing ever lasted. Now, Islana had the chance for something that might, and the damn Sisters couldn’t let her, just have this one thing.

Ch’Truta wasn’t going anywhere, the woman knew that, but Islana had just wanted some sense of permanency. She knew that would likely never happen now. What would happen if they did take over? Would they oust the man she loved?

It was so odd, if Islana had never become Sister Locust, she never would have met Ch’Truta. From the first meeting, it seemed as if their fates were ever linked. That being said, their lives together would be a lot simpler if she wasn’t the leader.
Arcadia certainly had a way of twisting things, making something good be snatched away, making things be all so fleeting. Not allowing true happiness for too long, as if the very land itself lived off of seeing people in pain, despair, or peril. It was all just so frustrating… “Dammit,” Islana threw the crown to the ground. It landed hard enough that several petals fell off, and it became slightly mangled. It didn’t matter, it’s not like she would be able to wear the crown for anything, right? That’s what they wanted and apparently, they would just keep causing problems until Islana agreed.

Islana closed her eyes for a moment, not expressing out loud any choice made. That was enough of that for one night. The last of the tears wiped from her green eyes, she now awaited the return of Ch’Truta.

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