Ch’Truta’s Concern

A joint post between LittleRed and MDMan

Ch’Truta solemnly nodded. “I will seek their aid, but for myself. I will explain that the spirits have kept me awake.”

He focused upon the one flame that was two, dancing before his face. “I thank you Asmastan,” Ch’Truta gratefully stated. “You are faithful and true to Sister Locust.”

He now turned to face the old advisor, his face full of concern for his own reasons. “Amastan!” he repeated her name for her to focus upon his words. “I need to know if any upon the council is not what they appear. Who stands to profit from Sister Locust’s demise? I have reason to believe that she is in danger from someone close to her.”

Amastan nodded at Ch'Truta's words, "Thank you but I do not question the will of the Twins." That's why the woman was loyal, she had been granted her gift of sand by the Gods. She was a priestess of them. In her mind there was no question that Islana had been granted the mantle of Sister Locust. Whether she understood why, didn't change that she believed it to be true.

The question caught Amastan by surprise. "I can think of no one, among her close council, that would benefit from such a thing. Actually, the death of Sister Locust, at this moment, would bring about a chaos none of us would want." There were other members of the Horde that might want to see to The Sister's demise, but even those stirrings had quieted down a bit, so at this moment Amastan had heard not any of that talk. If she had she would have brought it to the Sister's attention. "What makes you believe she is in danger from her own council?"

Ch’Truta sighed, turned no back to the flame. He wished the flames would show him something…someone…the one who was dangerous to his love.

“The spirits have given me a vision,” he solemnly spoke. “I saw a serpent with a forked tongue striking out. I assume the forked tongue means it has two natures. It appears as a friend, but is not.”

The woman remained quiet in thought for several minutes, then spoke. "There might be another answer, but I would caution about bringing the idea up to Sister Locust herself." She paused, "Has The Sister told you of her journey, how she ended up on the sands of the desert, on the pilgrimage?"

“Alcuin!” Ch’Truta whispered. “She had told me of fleeing one to whom she had been sold. A bounty hunter named Alcuin is pursuing her. Do you believe this is the one?”

"Possibly, but you said someone who appears as a friend but is not. The Sister certainly knows that Alcuin is not a friend." Amastan replied. "However, Sister Locust traveled all over this side of Arcadia before she arrived at the desert. She certainly had Helian friends, possibly others. Maybe, even someone she met on the pilgrimage. There is Shalia Nix, who took Islana in and mentored her. Though I do not believe Shalia herself would cause harm to the Sister, but maybe someone close to Shalia? We have a treaty with Koshmen, of the Odoine, but the Odoine are not above breaking their word, it has happened in the past. I hate to say this but it could be any of them." Amastan looked towards the fire, as if looking for an answer. "We will need to remain vigilant."

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