Ch’Truta’s Concern - Part 2

A joint post between LittleRed and MDMan

“Hrrmph!” Ch’Truta thought aloud. “It could be anyone.”

He paused suddenly remembering another detail. “The eyes!” Ch’Truta exclaimed. “There was something about the eyes of the serpent. They were two different colors. Would that call anyone to mind?”

"That is a feature that would stand out," Amastan searched her memory but came up with nothing. "I have never seen anyone with two different colored eyes, nor do I recall Sister Locust mentioning anyone with that trait."

Amastan was unaware of the meeting Aguzul and the tall woman with the different colored eyes outside of Gra'akast. Also, she was unaware that the Sister herself would instantly know who fit that description.

"What color were the eyes? Is it possible that the serpent meant two people instead of one?" Amastan was not used to having to grasp at straws to decode something, but it was all she could do at the moment to find an answer.

Ch’Truta shook his head. “Two fangs, two eyes, forked tongue. All are features of one serpent.” He knew he could handle serpents. Maybe this is why he was sent. Ch’Truta had always been able to capture vipers. He did so many times while in the desert. If this threat was symbolized by a serpent, Ch’Truta was confident he could stop it. He grinned, rubbing his chin.

“Bring it to me,” he uttered full of faith in his own abilities. “I will stop the serpent as I have many others. You are correct Amastan. As always, you are wise. We must remain alert.”

"I will certainly keep a lookout and let you know of anyone fitting that description." Amastan glanced over at the Sister's tent to see Aguzul and IIzdärasen enter. "I believe it is time to attend dinner."

Ch’Truta arose from his squatted position. He knew Amastan would be vigilant in protecting Sister Locust. That’s why he had opened up to her.

“Yes,” he agreed, “let us join. Then, I will reach out to the Red Crow. Thank you Amastan; I am grateful.”

< Prev : Ch’Truta’s Concern Next > : Crossroads and Conflict Part II