Amastan’s Concern - Part 2

Joint Post between Littlered and MDMan

Ch’Truta squatted by the fire. If anyone might have noticed someone close to Islana that may be dangerous, it was her.

“Yes Amastan,” Ch’Truta agreed, “we must talk.”

"You're business sounds urgent, but, please let me go first. My business is fairly quick, I believe." Amastan seemed to request to go first, not order it, but it was done in such a way that made one feel like she should go ahead and speak what was on her mind. She however went first without waiting on a response. "Ch'Truta, I know you and Sister Locust are, let us say, close." A slight smile crossed her lips but the woman did not reveal how much she knew of Ch'Truta's relationship with The Sister. "I am becoming quite concerned with her state of being as of late. She seems rather tired, worn out and then those spells where she drifts almost unconscious but not that. I known you have seen these things, have you not? I know she trusts you, I would not dare ask you to break that. I am just concerned for her well being, so, do you know anything that might help with all of that?" It made sense to go to the person closest to Sister Locust for this. Whether the concern was for Sister Locust as they were headed for war and needed a strong leader or if it was more for the Islana/Sister Locust because she had met the young woman so long ago, now. It was debatable but the advisor did seem generally concerned.

Ch’Truta appeared thoughtful as he glanced into the flames. Two flames danced about each other, then entwined becoming one. He smiled, seeing himself and Islana in the fire.

Ch’Truta was sent by the spirits to follow and serve Sister Locust’s leadership. And, he would. His concern was for Islana herself. The burden of leadership upon one so young was tremendous. At times, Ch’Truta wondered if the gods knew what they were doing.

Maybe it was the gods who were speaking with the forked tongue. Calling one so young, not caring about the stress it would cause her. However, Ch’Truta was confident, if any young lady could do it, Islana could.

He thought of the afternoon they had consummated their love. She seemed to feel secure in his arms. He knew the truth. It was Islana, no Sister Locust. That was to his liking. So, there were times when Sister Locust did not seem to have a hold upon her. Ch’Truta wondered if that added to the stress. Or, was Islana relieved to just be Islana?

He knew of herbs in the swamp that would bring sleep. They relaxed the muscles and brought sleep. They were far from the swamp. Maybe he could find something related near the lake.

“I see the strain,” Ch’Truta affirmed. “You know of plants from the swamp that would bring rest. I am unfamiliar with those here. Perhaps there is a plant related to S’hota [Sleep Bringer] growing near the river or lake.”

He remembered how peaceful she seemed when in his arms. It was like she wished she could remain there forever. Ch’Truta regretted ending the time together. Perhaps, they should have stayed there. Perhaps they should not have returned, but began their life together as one. That wasn’t the spirits will.

"I am unfamiliar with the plants here, as well. In the desert we do have something similar though. I do not want to the information of her well-being leaked to the Horde, so, I can not ask around for such an item."

While the healers were excellent, stress wasn't something that could just be cured and done with. Actually, Amastan had never seen a healer use their ability for that particular reason. "The ones that would know, of such a plant, are among The Red Crows, they are the most familiar with this land."

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