Amastan’s Concern- Part 1

Joint Post from Littlered and MdMan.

The Horde had been traveling for two days, they had already reached areas far more fertile and with fauna than what had been on their journey. Sister Locust decided that on the third day, once a decent area was found, it would be a good time to take a longer break of an extra day.

This was not only to give the Horde and the animals a much needed break but to replenish some of the supplies.

Islana's mind had been drifting between thoughts of the impending war, the Horde, to thoughts of Ch'Truta and the lake. Then came those annoyances of - what of the future. However, it seemed more and more time was somehow lost, things she couldn't recall. When she slept it was no longer Islana with the Sisters' memories, but like she had been shoved into a deep cavern and the memories were bombarding her. The only escape was to awaken, which always happened right before sunrise.
Islana was starting to look more worn as the days continued. She hid it well from most, but her closest advisors saw it. Still, she refused to speak of her concerns to anyone.

It was around midday, when the scouts mentioned a large pasture with a river that lead to a lake, they had spotted animals there as well. Just what The Sister had asked for, and then some.

Soon enough the Horde had stopped and tents were busy being erected. Islana sent messages out among the Horde that the hunt would begin an hour before sunrise the next day and where to meet.

She had no idea Ch'Truta had enlisted others from his realm to guard her. She wouldn't have been upset over it, but it was debatable how her other advisors would see it.

Ch’Truta spent most of this last day riding beside Islana. It was pleasant enough, but Ch’Truta acknowledged to himself that it would have been better had they been alone. He was limited to what he could say to her. Tasks included tasting Islana’s food and drink to detect any poison that may have been slipped into it. This, he gratefully did, wanting to protect her as much as he could.

Although Ch’Truta had no new visions from the spirits, he experienced less anxiety concerning Islana’s security. He had spotted several of the people from the swamp near Islana, clandestinely watching over her. This brought peace to his soul, that the one he loved was safer than she had been.

Still, the vision bothered him. In Ch’Truta’s mind, it meant someone close to Islana was dangerous for her. He ran the advisors over in his mind. These people had more access to Sister Locust than others had. None seemed to particularly stand out to Ch’Truta as a traitor. He would need to talk with Islana about this.

At the end of the day’s ride, Ch’Truta saw the lake, remembered their day together a few days ago, and smiled. This lake was more open, so they would not be able to have privacy here. Maybe upriver, he thought to himself. He missed her touch. The area was perfect to rest the horde.

It was getting into the later part of afternoon, after The Sister's tent had been raised and most of the Horde was beginning to start fires on which to cook their evening meals, when Amastan approached the man from the swamp. "Good evening, Ch'Truta." The woman was bald, tan skinned, dark eyes. She stood at about 5'8". She had a presence about her as if she knew what was going on at all times. It was difficult to tell how many seasons she had walked on Earth, but give or take maybe 120, possibly more. Amastan never said, but she seemed wiser than her years.

Ch’Truta looked up from his squatted position and acknowledged his visitor. “Amastan!” he greeted her, “Please be seated!”

Ch’Truta rolled a log near the fire he had before his tent. He gazed at the older woman, wondering just how old she was. Her skin was weathered, wrinkles were deep.

“You must be exhausted from the march,” he observed.

"Thank you," Amastan sat down on the log. There was a decided chill in the air, and it was getting cooler as the night progressed. The fire was a welcome. "I must admit, even though the desert nights get cold. This cold is different than what I am used to." It was more, of a briskiness to it.

"I was actually here to tell you that Sister Locust has requested us all, her advisors, to partake in diner with her tonight." Amastan relayed the message, then paused. "However, being we have some time, I would like a chance to speak with you."

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