Crossroads of Conflict: Part 1

Voah had to fight the feeling of odd estrangement as she re-entered the burgeoning colony-city of Ostiarium, having spent months traversing through out-land territories and foreign settlements of Arcadia. The familiarity of her people was slowly coming back to her as comfort, not-so-gentle reminder of the vast distance from her Helian origins.

The city, a youthful four-year-old colonial endeavor, displayed a marked increase in breadth and density. Ships from the motherlands of the East across the tumultuous Sea of Storms, had ferried new scores of settlers and soldiers, swelling the colony’s numbers significantly just before her departure in the spring.

Now, on the outskirts, the encroaching wilderness and hostile were to be held at bay by newly erected wooden palisade walls, enclosing some of the closest farms and logging camps that had been hastily annexed as the settlement expanded. The heart of the city proper, a dense cluster of stone and timber structures, was fortified behind the ramparts of the recently completed stone wall.

The outlying farms, now reaping their final harvests, stood on the brink of abandonment, their inhabitants poised to flee before the anticipated onslaught of the coming armies. Several had already fallen victim to skirmishes initiated by rogue Arcadian raiders; their fields scorched, homesteads reduced to ash, compelling the farmers and their families to seek refuge within the city walls, herding along whatever livestock had been spared.

Amidst this backdrop of tension and preparation, the city thrummed with the vibrant hum of daily tasks. The cobblestone streets of outer Lowood echoed with the rhythmic clatter of hooves and the rumble of cartwheels. The sounds of urban farm life—clucking chickens, snorting pigs, and the lowing of cattle perhaps headed to the slaughterhouse—wove into the fabric of the morning's bustle. Voah, walking alongside Amu, navigated the sprawl with wariness and she and keen observation, making her to keep her head down and not attract any undue attention to herself, while trying to maintain an awareness of the changes as she made her way toward the central plaza of Suncross Square.

The sense of unease was pervasive, the city's atmosphere heavy with the impending dread of war and the oppressive presence of their new religious leader, the Purger, whose influence cast a shadow over the spirits of Ostiarium's residents.

Even with the air of death beckoning at their walls, the people still hadn’t completely given up hope. It made Voah smile to hear the quiet prayers to Vastad and whispers to the fertility Goddess Hoi. Gods be praised, literally.

Overhead, the sky was awash with pregnant, brooding clouds, intermittently parting to allow brief glimpses of Kupen's torch, like a playful child peeking out from amidst the passing storms.

Weary of the relentless damp of yesterday, Voah found solace in the absence of rain or wrath. The day remained dry, sparing any onslaught of Cambena's, not even so much as a drizzle. It was as if the Goddess was sitting at bay, just watching and waiting.

Voah’s journey took her to a local livery, where the cobblestones transitioned to slick and sandy, well-trodden slabs of stone. There, she engaged in an exchange with the grizzled ostler, arranging for Amu's accommodation.

“Morning, young sir. How shall I register this animal?”

When queried about the horse's registry, Voah, adopted a deeper vocal pitch and rougher timbre as well accompanied by an accent from lower Orb in Salos.

"Mornin’. Iss‘ere’s Amu, under care o’ Gonyaul..."

Upon hearing the familiar name, Amu responded with an anxious snort, adding an almost contrarian tone to their once discreet arrival.

“The mare seems on edge,” the ostler remarked with curiosity at the name and horses attitude.

“Aye. She’s ‘ad a ruff go of it lately,” Voah replied, trying to keep her impression of nonchalance.

“I’ve seen many a horse in my day, young sir, and that one looks like she’s missing her real master.”

“Well, ain’t ye jus’ the quickest tur’tle in the race?!”

“So you admit to taking her?” the ostler asked, his suspicion barely veiled.

“Meanin’ wut? Taked ‘er ‘ere did’n I?”

“Meaning… this horse belongs to someone else, sir. You stole her.”

“Nay, SIR! She’s OUR ‘orse, been wiff us frough fick and fin she ‘as,” Voah asserted, her voice a mix of indignation and pride. “Innit, Amu?” she gave Gonyaul’s horse a pat on the neck and the horse nickered in response.

“Is that so? Because she looks like she’s about to bolt,” the ostler countered.

“Oi’s Balls! It IS so! Ain’t used to ci’ty life is all. Spent too much time in them wilds. An’ she’s missin’ ‘ol Gony’… ‘oo couldn’t come wiff us this time. SO… if she’s any more nervous… it’s on account of ‘er not wantin’ to be cooped up in no stuffy stable… under care o’ some stiff and smart groomsman as yorself. Now I jus’ needs ‘er stabled while I see to dealin’s in the ci’ty, see? But if ya like, I can bloody ‘ouse ‘er elsewhere.”

“Ah… no that won’t be necessary, young man. We’ll take her on. And how will you be paying?”

“Been out there for months. I look like I got any coin on me jus’ now?”

“With no coin, you expect me to take your word and care for this beast?” the ostler crossed his arms, skeptical.

Voah feigned a harsh sigh, “Ere! Take my bloody bow as colla’teral. No use for it in town ‘ave I? And how’s about this… Amu?” she pointed to the horse. “…backed by Alexis fuckin’ Greyriver ‘erself, and ‘er Steading?” she added, upping the credential ante with the name drop and a raised brow.”

Taken visibly aback, the ostler’s position on the matter abruptly changed, “Slayer of Slivikhi?”

“S’right. Come from ‘er place jus’ now. Fi’da realized I’s gonna meet wiff such ‘ostili’ties and accusations, might’a asked for some sort of…”

“Say no more, sir. Apologies to Lady Greyriver. We’ll stable Amu until such time as one of you returns with payment,” the ostler took Amu’s reins.

“Fair enough. Sure we’ll be back faster than ye can say ‘witchcraft’!” Voah nodded with a cackle unbefitting of herself.

As she turned to leave, she patted Amu reassuringly, whispering that she’d be back soon. With her mission clear, Voah blended back into the flow of the city, her every sense alert to the opportunities and dangers that lay ahead.

Relieved, Voah left the ostler standing in slight bewilderment at the transaction.

< Prev : Separate ways Next > : Amastan’s Concern- Part 1