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View character profile for: Obara Orime

View character profile for: Agent Orange

View character profile for: Katherine "Kate" Rebecca Kane

View character profile for: Abigale Krill aka Polka Dot Girl

View character profile for: Carrie Kelly aka Robin

View character profile for: Richard "Dick" John Grayson (adoptable)

View character profile for: Barbara Gordon

View character profile for: Helena Rosa Bertinelli

View character profile for: Jennifer Kord aka Blue Beetle
First Clue to a Cold Case
Kate called out to Powergirl. "My people dealt with whatever that was. You & Supes can go back to whatever is that you were doing." She turned back to the trio and the new girl. "New people are popping up like clowns out of a car. So what did you see?" Nightwing sent to Kate's phone a picture from his mask of the symbol. "Did any of you see this? Oracle is analyzing it now."
Orime woke up in the hospital shortly after being dropped off. She was surrounded by machines beeping and medical professionals talking about her like she wasn't even there. It brought back bad memories from when she first got her powers. She loudly cleared her throat. "All you lab coats are the fucking same. If you are going to talk about me like I am not even here then have the fucking decency to leave the damn room." She yanked everything out. "If I need medical help I will call in a specialist from Japan. She is the only one capable of treating me. One of your lab coats talk to your billing department and have them send the bill to Wayne Enterprises, I will pay it when I get around to it." She got up and walked out of the hospital." Orime left the hospital. She stopped at a ★Store and grabbed one of their ★Phones. After getting one of the tech geniuses at the Shooting ★ bar to connect her phone to her service plan she called Wayne Enterprises and reported in before some dipshit there decided to lead a coup. She also called her people in Japan to report the attack. She didn't bother with encrypting what she said but she did speak in Japanese. "Someone attacked the airport shortly after my plane arrived. Ra's is no doubt making his move, his obsession with Gotham will be his downfall. Tell Father he should probably get The Team ready to strike. If Father does send them, pass along to Tatsu that I am willing to pay triple the reward if she removes Ra's head with her special sword. If it is recorded and if he knows what sword she uses and what it is capable of, I'll pay quadruple to the recorder and Tatsu."
Huntress only had to break two more bones before the guy talked. "Santo Cassamento? I know him. Why? Why did he kill the Bertinellis?" She broke both of the humerus bones in the assassin's arms when she shoved him up against the wall. She didn't mean to, she was letting her emotions get the better of her. The assassin had no clue. or was far more scared of Santo Cassamento than of her. She yanked the bolt out of him. She then dragged him to the edge. She dangled him over the water letting the blood drip into the water. Moments later a great white shark appeared below. "Tell me or Bruce here will eat you." The assassin sang like a canary. "Thank you." She let go of him, leaving the assassin to determine his own fate, she watched for nearly 30 seconds as he tried to maintain his balance and not fall in but eventually he fell and the great white shark fed on him.