Characters in this post

View character profile for: Obara Orime

View character profile for: Agent Orange

View character profile for: Katherine "Kate" Rebecca Kane

View character profile for: Abigale Krill aka Polka Dot Girl

View character profile for: Carrie Kelly aka Robin

View character profile for: Barbara Gordon

View character profile for: Dr. Simon Hurt aka Spellbinder

View character profile for: Batzarro

View character profile for: The Doll-Master

View character profile for: Helena Rosa Bertinelli

View character profile for: Jennifer Kord aka Blue Beetle
Countdown 205, 204, 203....
Superman and Powergirl using x-ray vision quickly finds and rescues everyone except Ormi and the little girl protecting her.
Superman and Powergirl land in front of Kate and James Gordon. "We believe that is everyone, we didn't see anyone else. There was a weird dome structure." Superman raised an eyebrow. "Where?" Powergirl pointed. He looked. "What is that?" Kate did you find Obara Orime the new..." Powergirl cut her off. "She was here?" The way Powergirl spoke clearly showed she did not care for Orime most likely due to Orime's power play over the League. "I'm going to check on that dome. Be ready just in case."
Superman rushes off and starts digging the dome out. His digging causes no small amount of pain for Orime was already in considerable pain from the attack and holding a building up. She puts a face on the outside of the dome. "Be more careful that fucking hurts." Superman was startled by the sudden appearance of the face. "Give me space." The dome collapsed into Orime's typical appearance save for several areas of silver resembling bruises that weren't the strain of maintaining the dome for so long exhausted her and she passed out. Also revealed was the girl Orime was protecting.
Powergirl rushed over when she heard Orime talking about being in pain. The two Kryptonians exchange a look. The little girl ran up to Powergirl who flew her off to a paramedic. Superman grabbed Orime and flew her straight to the hospital. Powergirl after dropping off the little girl with a paramedic went to Kate. "Superman took Miss Obara to the hospital she was unconscious when I arrived. I saw no sign of the dome."
Kate called Oracle and informed her of the developments with Orime. Who then informed her of the fight between several unknown assailants and their allies. "Powergirl..." Suddenly an explosion could be heard on a nearby rooftop. "Got it." Powergirl flew off to help. With the dead the only ones left to be recovered, Kate surveyed the area not as Batwoman or as a Crow but as a citizen of Gotham. She exasperatingly sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. There is always one disaster after another. Save them from one disaster only for them to die in another. How are we accomplishing anything?
Meanwhile, on the other side of town, the Huntress was working her way across the rooftops. She was stalking the assassin who killed her family. She jumped off the building. She approached the assassin and began interrogating him. He refused to answer. She placed a hand over his mouth and broke the thumb of his dominant hand. "Talk, there are 204 more to go. Then I get creative."