Characters in this post

View character profile for: Agent Orange

View character profile for: Abigale Krill aka Polka Dot Girl

View character profile for: Carrie Kelly aka Robin

View character profile for: Barbara Gordon

View character profile for: Oliver Green aka Green Arrow
A Tearful Reunion
Posted byPosted: Dec 27, 2024, 9:19pm
Alfred answered the door. "Good day. Mr. Queen. Please come in." Alfred stepped to the side to let Oliver in. "Dick is packing. Barbara is in the basement with some well-informed visitors staying for a while." His words were coded..
Oliver was curious by the code as he paused. Then he asked,”Visitors you say? Well I came to see Barbra anyway. I was hoping she could help me with my nub.” Oliver wiggled his nub a bit to make a joke of sorts. Then he let Alfred lead him downstairs into the basement. He was expecting some VIPs or a family reunion but he was shocked to see Carrie alive and training. He dropped to his knees and covered his mouth with his right arm as his left nub tried to work as well. Tears ran down the old man’s cheeks as he looked at Carrie. Carrie smiled at Oliver and rushed to hug him. It was a long tearful reunion and eventually Carrie introduced Oliver to Agent Orange and Abbey. Then she explained what she had been through while she was MIA. Oliver felt guilty for not knowing she was alive but thankful for her return. Then explained how he was struggling as well with his companies success and his mid life crisis. Then Carrie asked Barbra if she could do anything to help Oliver with his arm and his businesses.