Shocking Looks

After Shadowfang brought down the dragon. Shi'za was prepared to start attacking again but she didn't. "Tl'a'vlaakith, chyrki. Tl'a'vlaakith, tavki. Tl'a'vlaakith, lash'a'kla." She watched as the light in the dragon's eyes faded.

Demonsbane looked at Arc's skull head. "It's all good. If you want to keep the whys, the hows, and the who's to yourself it's all good."

Arc sighed as he replied, “To be honest I am still trying to figure out why I am like this. I woke up in a new world with a hazy memory. However I knew I might be seen as an undead and attacked without warning.”

Tav after being knocked out of the way by Demonsbane was sent flying into a tree head first. She stood up and puked. "By the goddesses. What the hell hit me?" Then she saw Arc's skull head. "I don't remember bringing a necromancer along." She started looking for the Necromancer but then she stumbled and fell to her knees. "Let me know when the world stops spinning. Okay?"

Arc looked at Tav and caught her before she lost her balance. He replied, “Oh dear that looked painful. I’ll heal her. “ Then he cast heal on her.

The two Shadowfangs were holding a conversation. "Yes, your idea worked. But you nearly killed..." He pointed in the direction of the others. "Yes, I see one of them has a skull for a head. I too am curious as to why. No I won't ask him why. Because it would be rude to ask. Didn't anyone teach you any manners?"

Arc was still healing Tav as the others were recovering.

Shi'za cupped her hand under one of the dragon's cuts collected the blood and drank it. She turned to the others to see if they wanted some. She tilted her head after seeing Arc. After gawking for a bit she walked up to him and patted him as high up as she could reach, leaving a blood-red handprint. “Noble sacrifice.”

Arc cocked his head to the side and replied, “I’m not dead you know. I knew this would be awkward but I am surprised I haven’t been attacked yet. Is this a normal look in this world?”


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