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View character profile for: Tav

View character profile for: Demonsbane

View character profile for: Fera Farrowwoods

View character profile for: Sir Arc

View character profile for: Luna

View character profile for: Styx
Ambushing the ambush
Tav led her small strike team to a hill overlooking the ambush site. They are either really stupid or they got something up on the hill. "Fera check the hill for any surprises." Tav grabbed a rock and marked it with paint. "Throw this back down if it is clear." Fera engaged her hiding ability and snuck around the hilltop. She saw no surprises, no attackers. She threw the marked rock at Tav, but it missed her by half a foot.
Tav led the others up the hill. She had them line up on the hill. Tav and Fera pulled out their hand crossbows, laid down on the ground, and put their bolt holders on the ground for easy access. They then lay in wait to spring their own ambush. As they waited Tav counted at least thirty ambushers a mix of various race and dire wolves.
While Tav and her team got ready the several members of the team left behind began to act like they were repairing the wagons. One of them noticed the back left wheel of the second wagon was loose and fixed it, otherwise one bad bump would have sent the wheel flying. Little over six minutes after Tav's team left. Demonsbane had the wagons going again.
Tav's team noticed the ambushers moving into place ready to pounce on both sides of the road, the wagons would be in the way those in the wagons would have to deal with them exclusively.