Life In MegaCorp (Pt. 1)

After Tzeitel was ‘rescued’ from Canestone the spell she had so carefully crafted and kept up for years with her powers was shattered. She was given to Canestone. As if that was not bad enough, she was no longer untouchable- the guards would use her too. The guards only started losing interest after she became visibly pregnant.

After Tzeitel’s positive pregnancy test she was supposed to no longer be subjected to Canestone. But a few sadistic guards liked to watch what Canestone did to her. It was easy to blame all the injuries Canestone left on Tzeitel as self harm, she had injured herself badly several times trying to cause a miscarriage. Unlike the guards, Canestone still liked playing with Tzeitel no matter how pregnant she was. The only rule he had to follow was to do nothing that could harm the baby.

With so little control over her own life or body Tzeitel began to refuse to eat.

Which only led to her being force fed. The sadistic guards themselves got to administer the force feeding. Tzeitel was no longer offered solid food.

Tzeitel’s shoulders sagged as she sat on her cot. She was nearing the end of her pregnancy. It was very active today, kicking up a storm, reminding her that it was there as much as she never wanted it. She never wanted any of this. She could hear the boot steps and smell the nutritional concoction coming down the corridor.

“No. No more.” Tzeitel whispered, tears on her cheeks. She was so tired. She hurt so much. The sores on her throat from that collar were never healing, and she had fresh abrasions from Canestone all over her body from just last night. But she was still going to fight.

Her cell door was opened. Tzeitel tried to run out through the guards but it was impossible to be fast enough in this condition. She could not even make it out the door. The laughing guards wrestled the scratching and biting Tzeitel to her cot and strapped her down. Tzeitel thrashed, so desperate to escape. It was like being raped all over again. She clenched her jaw shut as tight as she could.

Urbanus held the feeding tube, a long thick pipe. He smiled cruelly, the bite shaped scar on his cheek livid.

There was a strange coldness that would enter the room soon after Urbanus, a face Tzeitel would be very familiar with entering the room. His footsteps were silent as he stood within and moved his emotionless crimson eyes upon her. “Before feeding her, check the child.” He ordered, just as little emotion in his voice as he spoke. “Make sure she hasn’t tried anything again.”

Urbanus wanted to protest having to hold off on the force feeding. He enjoyed violating her. Not that the ultrasounds couldn't be their own fun, though she was so far along the internal probe was no longer necessary.

The imaging machine was wheeled in while Tzeitel’s already ragged jumpsuit was torn out of the way. Still strapped down there was nothing Tzeitel could do to resist, but at least she wasn't having that tube roughly shoved down her throat for a little while longer. She grimaced at the cold gel being spread over her abdomen. Tzeitel did not bother looking at the screen, she was trying her best to ignore what was growing inside her.

The screen would show twins, male and female, healthy despite Tzeitel’s multiple attempts to miscarry and the stress she was under, and the still occuring abuse from Canestone and the guards. They would be ready to be born soon too.

“They look fine.” Urbanus said.

Thrane held up a hand to silence Urbanus. “I have eyes,” He said in that infuriatingly emotionless tone as his eyes scanned over the ultrasound, taking in the sight of the twins. He had been doing some work on Tzeitel in her sleep, violating her in his own manner. Despite being such a sickening monster, he was not one for rape or force feeding.

No, this man found no joy in watching people suffer. He only found joy in results!

“That’s enough. Make her eat and get her down to medical.” He ordered. “I’ve already ordered a room to be prepared. We will wait for her to go into labor and she will be off limits until further notice. Find Canestone a new toy until she’s healed. Am I clear?” There was a growl in his voice as he spoke, those crimson eyes going to Tzeitel.

“As for you,” He continued. “We are going to talk once you’re in the new room where you will birth the twins.”

Urbanus sweated a little. Thrane knew. Well, there was no shortage of toys.

Twins? Two of them. Tzeitel wanted them out of her. She wanted this to be over. She was nearly choked as the guards forced her mouth open and Urbanus roughly shoved the feeding tube down her throat. She tried to thrash but couldn't move.

Thrane grabbed a free guard and ordered him to find Loreen. “She will help Tzeitel birth the twins.” He ordered calmly, glancing back as they forced poor Tzeitel to “eat”. He had little care for what these people did so long as they didn’t kill the subjects. All anyone was to Thrane was another experiment, a number he could use to his advantage for his goal.

“Get number 736 to Canestone. I’m sure he’ll enjoy a pink haired cat.” He ordered, referring to Yule, a pink haired girl with cat ears. The poor girl was often abused by experimentation, but she’d be worth the time for the man Thrane often referred to as “the chameleon”. For now, though, he had business to attend to. “I will meet you all later when it’s time for the twins to be born.”

And with that, Thrane left.

Tzeitel wanted to throw up, her whole body was trying to reject the liquid concoction but Urbanus was skilled at making her keep it down.

“I'll pay you a visit once you're not so fat.” Urbanus promised.

Tzeitel could only gag in response.

The guards in charge of bringing Tzeitel to her new room would arrive only a few minutes later, Loreen close behind. “Get your hands off her, Urbanus.” She ordered coldly, glaring at the doctor. “She’s my patient now and you can go find someone else to ‘help’ with your services.”

“I'm just letting the fat slut know that she's still loved.” Urbanus groped Tzeitel one more time before leaving the room.

Tzeitel shook as much as her binds would allow. She was acting much the same way as she usually acted after being raped.

One of the guards sighed and rolled his eyes over Urbanus’ behavior. “Prick…” He muttered before they got to work helping Tzeitel to her feet. They didn’t speak much, mostly focused on the work, and barely seemed to offer her a real glance as they kept her restrained and wheeled her down the hall in a wheelchair.

“Cook says hi,” One of them whispered to her, reminding her of one of the very few friends she had here. “He’s stuck outside and asked us to watch out for you. Loreen is going to help you give birth.”

The second guard used his keycard to open a pair of double doors so they could step into another hallway and make their way into an elevator at the end.

Tzeitel was too disassociated for the guards’ words to really register. She continued to shake. She wished she was dead.

Once the elevator reached the correct floor, they wheeled Tzeitel into the room where they transferred her onto the bed she would be using while in this new room. It far cleaner and well kept than her last one.

In the corner, at a table, Loreen was looking over documents and supplies, getting ready. She seemed as disconnected to the situation as Tzeitel herself. “Thank you,” She said to the guards without looking at them. “You can leave now.”

They grimaced, but obeyed.

< Prev : The Nightmare Of Revert Next > : A Speedster's Hell